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When you are the only one who lijes pecan pie, and the entire rhibg is YOURS!!!

AzVixen52 7 Nov 22

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I like it too !!! ??????


One small slice of pecan pie is 805 calories. Yikes!

Hey! Calories Do Not Count on National Holidays, and particularly yummy dessert calories! Give it a Rest!

My piece was huge, and I relished every calorie


When you're the only one who likes head cheese...


Lol. I only like the pecans. The middle is usually so sticky sweet, it makes my teeth ache & I get a wee bit shaky on the stomach.


My son has the same joy with minced meat pies! ?


"Likes" and "thing". Fucking phone!

There's an edit option.

@CaroleKay I use it often! ?

@CaroleKay I don't care that much

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