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How many times throughout history have individuals become a version of the very thing they claim to be fighting against? This is an excellent quote from Nietzsche. The SJW's in this world should take heed to his words of caution.

SpikeTalon 9 Nov 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Just so, I do not fight monsters, but rather, strive to be an alternative people can choose instead.


Funny enough, you can see with a lot of anti-SJW people that they are acting in the same way they accuse the SJWs of. I'm looking forward to the anti-anti-SJW wave to fall into the same trap. And so the endless spiral continues.

Dietl Level 7 Nov 23, 2018

Nieche may have gone mad, but the preciance of his more profound insights is sticking in our modern day, his greatest fear was a world of humans living lives distracted by the novelty of fashions, and new trinkets to create the illusion of choices, slowly evading the choices a life is built on


What's happening in Israel is a good example of this.

My own people, the Irish, changed from victims of the English to oppressors of black people when they went to live in America.


Not fun to discover all the things I've judged others for are things I do far worse. Sigh.


I love this quote. Very relevant with all of this regressive nonsense going on.

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