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Just got home from my first black Friday shopping experience.... never again....

SoullessHeathen 5 Nov 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Lost the fight to the death on the last flatscreen TV?

Haha, oh i got my TV, just had deal with idiots get one


Never done it. Never will do it. However, loads of people are willing victims of ' salesmanship'.

Just ask tRump.


I'm so glad I don't give gifts during the holidays anymore. Don't miss it a bit. In the old days, I was once pressured by my enthusiastic teenage kids to do the Black Friday shopping, where they set their alarms super early with a planned route, having scoped out all the good deals and freebies at each store with newspaper ads. They made it fun with their expectation of a huge frenzy, and they weren't disappointed. Me, I was just tired, but glad they enjoyed it. While it was an unforgettable experience, I'm glad it didn't turn into a holiday tradition.


Excuse me for sounding dumb, which btw I'm not really, BUT don't 'Black Fridays' only occur when it is Friday the 13th of any month?
So how is it that there is all this talk of 'Black Friday?'
Is it some obscure American Tradition or something?

Shopping, the day after Thanksgiving, traditionally with stores open super early (some at 12:01am) with "doorbuster" deals and free gifts to first 100 shoppers or other such marketing to get shoppers to their store first, in an effort to make huge sales right off the bat during the popular christmas shopping season. Sales that would put them "in the black" if they were "in the red" before.

@Julie808 Ah, so it is another of those obscure American Traditions then. Here Australia we don't have thanksgiving, thankfully, BUT we are now being subjected to Harvey Norman Chain ' Black Friday' advertisings as well.
FFS, leave Australia Australian.


There are lots of people that really enjoy this. Maybe it brings out the competitive hunting feelings in them.

Like, the hunger games, with coupons lol


Just buy online and pickup at leisure. Black Friday is my favorite shopping day of the year.


Stopped that years ago. There is no bargain worth the experience of all the rude people. Small business Saturday is better.


Side note, I dislike humanity even more than I did before. Cash over courtesy is the way of capitalism.

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