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There seem to be more and more tinfoil hat wearing people on this site lately.

Secretguy 7 Nov 24

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It's raining and we're fresh out of weatherproof hats.




Can you state clearly in plain language when making a post what point you want debated. You have not asked a question here, just made a statement, and a rather vague one at that. Are you wanting people to agree with your statement or start a debate on Paranoia?


A good read of Michael Shermer's book "The Believing Brain" might get rid of some of the tinfoil hats.


Well to be fair. This is agnostic. Not absolute atheists. There are a lot of people in the universe who haven't seen enough conclusive evidence to be absolutely certain nothing out of the ordinary exists .
If someone in the 1800s had suggested wearing a lead apron around certain mineral formations because uranium drains your soul essence shortening your life drastically. They would also be just another version of tin foil hat people wouldn't they? But the proof would be there enough that some might take his advice. Now you would have a cult of crack pots. You would also have humans shielding themselves from harmful radiation. Completely invisible. No sense organ in the human body can detect it.. people not wearing lead aprons around uranium would certainly die weakened and much earlier than those wearing sheets of lead draped over them. Now you have people who are wrong. As well as right and seen as crack pots who believe in invisible monsters stealing their soul energy . And yet for all intensive purposes. You have people trusting in what their intuition tells them actually does something to protect them from imaginary dangers. No different in description than tinfoil hat wearing people.
I'm not saying Tim foil hat people are right. I'm saying that a profound disbelief in a creator God. Doesnt require that people don't act according to hunches . Trust dreams of warnings. Or not eat food others say is perfectly safe like peanuts. Radiation isn't supernatural or is it. It effects the living world invisibly without being alive or dead. And no average force can stop it from getting to you. Even the walls of your house would not safeguard you. So it is and isn't supernatural. Powers beyond a humans ability to understand and the power to cause bad effects. For all anyone knows. People who have what seem foolish ideas based on no practical evidence . May actually be in some ways right.
I suggest there is no supernatural. Only natural things as of yet unexplained and not correctly fully understood. We may never know if a thing will be proved to scientifically exist one day. To have that science validate the the people who were called dumb for believing in these absurd things. No one can say with absolute certainty what will be proved one day . There is room for possible acceptance for everyone.. if we who think we know so many truths would shut our mouths more than open them in ridicule. We might see we all have our own independent ideas we believe that main stream science disagrees with.
Im right because every science has disagreement amongst it. Disagreement about validity based on how data is collected. On precieved pattern that there are many interpretations to the data. . Even if you only followed the majority to be sure you were right about all you believe to be true. If science has taught me anything. It's that absolutes in scientific understanding change over time and most theories held as fact at one time are held as foolish later in time
Leave room for possibility. If you have to laugh at stupid ideas. I advise to laugh lightheartedly so you won't feel as foolish when your own certainties get eventually disproved

Well said. It was an honor to approve your comment ❤


Your post is needs more explanation before I can respond to it.


Where are they? You must live in a strange part of the world?!




I worked at a company that had a rather large cube farm (cubical city). In an attempt to reduce the horrendous noise levels they installed white noise generators. I decided to have a little fun and fashioned a tin foil hat. The cubicle dwellers loved it. Senior management not so much. Lol


You think its bad now, just wait till all these nuts are all off there rabid leashes.. Oh wait they already are..


The have always been here unfortunately


It's what's vogue in Paris and Prague this year, darling...


Not just on this site.
I've seen an influx of that everywhere these days.


Well, it took me a long time to get here and who I am (breaking away from religion is one of the first steps). I don't wear a tin hat yet. It is the era of Awakening. It's your choice to choose the red pill or the blue pill. You definitely have to be a free thinker to get to this point and yes it is crazy, but it all fits logically in my mind. For me, it answers why our chaotic society/system is structured the way it is.

It is a lot to take in (It is a rabbit hole)... a good starting point is the World Trade Center.
Do you believe that our Air Defense just happened to take a break when we were being attacked?
Or do you know from history what is a false flag attack?

My own Christian daughter wants to take the blue pill, which is fine, everything is good for her.
Problem is I always want to know why. She doesn't need to know why. She'll come to me and I'm ready.

We all choose to believe or not to believe. The next false flag is a fake alien attack with man made UFOs. LOL... sounds crazy. This is suppose to bring unification to New World Order. (It's all about control and deception of making people comply) Until then, I'm enjoying life and my new hobby, electric skateboarding.

There you go... Jesus Christ was a political scam to control the masses... the current scam is to get us into wars and give up our rights... You may call it conspiracy, but look at the details. 9-11 was a false flag operation... the numbers and data don't add up.


Maybe the trend will taper off when the Trumpenfuhrer's aluminum tariffs kick in full bore.


No more than usual I'd say.


I just like the way they look.



I'm not saying it was aliens, but…

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