As part of series of occasional questions which I will entitle, ‘Strange but Bollocks’, I direct this at the readers to enlighten and enthral us all with arguments and responses.
Tarot Cards, how do they work, and why? If you had two or more Tarot readings simultaneously should they be the same and if they weren’t why? Are they subject to interference for example?
"Now lady you must bare in mind that the cards are symbolic and not necessarily literal". The gypsy looked worried as she looked at the card and this apprehension was mirrored on the face of the lady.
"Please can you show me the card?"
"It may only be symbolic"
"Just show me the card!"
Reluctantly the gypsy turned the fateful card over for all to see and it bore the sign of the gullible cow.
The ‘readers’ are often very, very good and reading body language and facial micro expressions.