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So it's an actual blizzard. I live 40 miles from my work.

And guess who still has to go in?

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Nov 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Fake blizzard. Drive right through it.


Oh, be safe. If you are working in a hospital they have beds, find one and stay until it is safer to get home.

My gramma got me a hotel room. I really would rather walk home than stay in the hospital lol

@LadyAlyxandrea Yes I know sleeping in a hospital really sucks, especially if you are not there for yourself. Last time Kate had surgery in Portland I stayed and just took the other bed in the room. I was later told that was not a good move and had to move to a chair. I hope this all goes well for you.


Read your post then saw the news and tey mentioned the blizzards in the mid-west. I remember the blizzards we had in Northern Montana and they were bad, would last for a day or two at a time. Got really cold, then would warm up for them. Cannot imagine driving through snow drifts three feet tall as the last time I did this I got high centered and had to dig out. Fortunately it was a warm day so keeping warm was not hard but it was warm enough that I did not dress for the cold and forgot to wear shoes. Yes I was out in the snow barefoot. Back in the days when I was not to smart.

I'm glad you survived lol. My sister lives in Montana and her winters terrify me. We used to have good shows but the last 3 years or so barely any. I was scared I forgot how to snow drive lol


Drive safely. I really sucks outside. I just got back from Kansas City.

Yeah I hope it's gone by Wednesday cause I gotta go to Overland Park and Olathe that day

@LadyAlyxandrea its shpuld be clear by then. Stuff is all ready melting here in Topeka.


Be safe.


And had to drop the obligatory GoTs reference here:


Be careful.


Where I'm from that amount of snow is nothing!

It's not really about the amount of snow. It's going sideways at about 50 miles an hour. You're lucky if you can see 5 feet in front of your car.

Peak wind gusts while I was driving on slush and ice with blowing snow and 3 foot drifts were 68 mph.

Back home in Missouri we got 4 feet and were fine, but there weren't 60 mph wind gusts.

It's not the amount it's the conditions


Yeah that's why I live in Texas. You shouldn't have to risk your life to go to work. Be careful.

Yeah but TEXAS....lmao

@LadyAlyxandrea ,exactly the holy bible of the bible belt.


The blizzard lasted about 45 minutes or so here. We've had sun off and on most of the day. The wind is still howling though.

The snow is up to my knees at home and the visibility and roads are terrible between salina and hutch

Here between hutch and mac

@LadyAlyxandrea Oh that sucks. Be careful!!!

@sewchick57 that was actually more visible than most of the trip lol.

@LadyAlyxandrea crap that's bad


Two tricks I learned working as "Essential Personal for decades" sometimes the cops will take you and sometimes the snowplow drivers will take you. They just can't cross borders. (Between towns).

Other options would be car pooling with someone with 4 wheel drive.

Frankly if you don't have a good car in snow? Don't do it. Might be safer to have the first shift stay over.

Ask any EMT. (Hey maybe you know an EMT/Nurse/Doctor headed that way?).

OK all out of suggestions.

Lol I'm lucky to have a raised up suv. But it was white out half way there. I did make it easier than this poor guy.

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