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Ever gotten dumped because they found out you don't believe in God?

swantech72 3 Nov 29

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Nobody has ever dumped me because I'm an atheist.

At age 13, I became an atheist when I realized the Bible is just a book of stories written by men.


I have been dumped because I do. Though it never really came up specifically. Meaning I didn’t push my beliefs on him. Didn’t talk about why he should or be critical at all.


Come to think of it I have never dated anyone who did believe.


Nope. Not from dating. I have had friends and acquaintances dump me though. I just say "good riddance" about those.


I was dumped because she found out that I don't believe in Izod.

But they make such nice shirts.?


Indirectly, even though they knew all along that I was an Atheist. At first it wasn't a problem, then all of a sudden it was. It would have crashed and burned eventually as our core beliefs were totally incompatible. I've never dated anyone since then who says that religion is important to them.

Just went through something very similar. In the beginning (sounds rather Biblical...), it wasn't an issue, and he spoke often of his undying love, and wanting to marry (after only three months !), Then, I think it was a ultra Christian friend of his who put a bug in his ear - and suddenly I heard about him wanting to have someone he could read scripture with.
Unequally yoked - oh no ! He did a complete 180, in one afternoon. Like yours, I suspect a crash and burn would have been eventual anyway. Bye-bye. NO MORE god people for me !

@evergreen Sounds familiar. I was pretty hesitant to date them in the first place. We knew each other well before we dated. She knew, not only that I was an Atheist, but that I wouldn't budge from that position without concrete scientific evidence. I knew her position and that it was also firm in her position. We worked out a live and let live strategy which quickly evaporated like a drop of water on a hot engine.

@shockwaverider Oh yeah - so much for trusting what they tell you ! One thing I forgot to mention is, that one day he said, if we got married, I'd likely change my mind about god. REALLY !!?? And why would that happen ???


You mean “ released from a hypocritical, draining, imbecilic and downright travesty of superstitious belief.... be greatful ... you are saved. Being dumped by a bible thumper is similar to the end of a jail sentence.


Got dumped for being human! Imperfect. Go figure!


Yes. But then later found out it was because he was gay and was grasping at reasons to break up because he didn't know how to deal with realizing he might he gay... because he was raised Jehovah's Witness. ? to his credit, 2 years later he contacted me to apologize. It was bittersweet.

Remi Level 7 Nov 30, 2018

Anyone around me very long would probably be more surprised if they found out l did.


My wife of over 32 years became an Evangelical bible thumper, and when I refused to convert or at least fake it, she divorced me.

Damn I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things are better now.

Her loss. In more ways than one

Good riddance.

Of course like and long term relationship there were other issues, no doubt, and I am definitely culpable as well; but this was the thing that pushed it over the edge.

In hindsight it's been a very good thing, and MAN is my life much less stressful! The only frustrating thing is figuring out how to engage with others again and date in this day and age.

All of my kids are grown up, and I'm very fortunate to have their unwavering support & love. She has managed to alienate ALL FIVE of our kids, and has broken off all contact with them - and two of them are xian (luckily them compassionate, live-and-let-live type)! The other three are atheist, BTW.

To be honest, at this point I'd just like to find someone to hang out with, have some fun doing stuff that we both enjoy, and even introduce each other to new things (like, anyone wanna learn to SCUBA dive sometime? ?). It doesn't even matter if it winds up being plutonic or not - at this point just having someone to do stuff with would be great.

But meeting someone is tough nowadays - and I understand why. I can't imagine how often women encounter jerks and creepers who only want sex. No wonder y'all are so damn defensive & cautious - I would be too!

Hopefully I'll figure it out and finally find some women who'll take a chance to get to know me, see where it goes, and at least have some fun hanging out.


Not directly by that fact but, I had a girl blame me for her lack of self control around me because of my heathen influence lmao, by that I mean she justified her "sinful behaviors" because I "wanted to corrupt her" somehow because I disregard her beliefs, mind you this girl only ever went to church to maintain the appearance and to catch up on gossip. The church of Wal-Mart lol.

Funny thing is she used the dumbest excuse ever to end our interaction, get this, I disrespected her grandmother because I asked if I could put some beers in her refrigerator while I was over, somehow for this convenient reason we were done and I was left scratching my head, but quickly realized I was just a short term meal ticket for her, typical christian woman lol

@Eric_in_bham WTF ?

@evergreen I don't know lol, this girl was insane , she claimed to be this religious saint of a person but after two margaritas she attempt to have sex with me on a park bench, but it's wrong to put a sixer in granny's fridge.... I haven't seen here in years but I'm certain she's either been committed to a padded cell or following the Trump rally circuit.


I had gone on a couple of dates with a wonderful young lady. We hit it off! We were being super flirty and it was clearly a great start to what could have been a great relationship until she found out I don't believe in god. We stopped talking all together shortly afterwards. Has this ever happened to you?

This is why I online date with OkCupid. You know up front if they are educated or religious etc. I won't date anyone who says religion / god is important to them. I learned that one the hard way, so yes. Yes it has.

@shockwaverider I consider seeing "god is important to me", as no different than them being substance addicted !

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