Saw this on a friend's Facebook page. I just... barf... I need your snarky replies to counteract what I just read ?
Gracefully Broken
I was in Dollar Tree last night, and there was a lady and two kids behind me in the LONG line. One was a big kid, and the other one was a toddler. The bigger one had a pack of glow sticks, and the toddler was screaming for them. The Mom opened the pack and gave him one which stopped his tears. He walked around with it smiling; but then the bigger boy took it, and the toddler started screaming again. Just as the Mom was about to fuss, the older child bent the glow stick and handed it back to the toddler. As we walked outside at the same time, the toddler noticed that the stick was now glowing; and his brother said, "I had to break it so that you could get the full effect from it."
I almost ran, because l could hear God saying to me, "I had to break you to show you why I created you. You had to go through it so you could fulfill your purpose."
That precious child was happy just swinging that "unbroken" glow stick around in the air, because he didn't understand what it was created to do - which was "glow".
There are some people who will be content just "being," but some of us that God has chosen... we have to be "broken."
We have to get sick.
We have to lose a job.
We go through a divorce.
We have to bury our spouse, parents, best friend, or our child...
In those moments of desperation, God is breaking us. But... when the breaking is done, then we will be able to see the reason for which we were created. So when you see us glowing, just know that we have been broken but healed by His Grace and Mercy!!! ❤??
Copy & Post on your timeline if you have experienced being broken.
...being given a purpose...
means I never will be self directed.
Plains Indian tribes didn't have intertribal
warfare UNTIL : fur traders guns & Spanish horses
gave them a reason to make war(greed).
So chronic pain is beneficial the
most to any organism?I can't follow that logic!! ...the personal/social ramifications
should lead to improved psychology.
Thanks for the post!
"This will hurt me more than it will hurt you" Was the phrase trotted out by the school teacher as he prepared to hit me. Yes I come from time when corporal punishment was not only legal but the norm. If only I had the wit and courage I now possess? I would have responded with "Well lets swap then? You bend over and give me that cane".
Four great lies;
The cheques in the post.
I won't cum in your mouth
I just want a guy whos kind and has a GSOH
God does not send you a burden you cannot carry
Lets leave the 1st three there and look at the last one. The world is littered with people who are broken. Junkies, homeless, suicidal vets, shattered lives are all around us. I can bare this if its just "shit happens" but not if there is some monical sadist who is doing it for our betterment. Worship him? fuck that! I don't want to live in the same street as that guy!
@IslandGyal I too have a christian friend. She is not very religious. Then neither is she very political or anything. It is I who has to explain about the covenant, bible and such. Thankfully she just likes the singing and love in the church and does not try and convert anyone.
@IslandGyal I don't mind talking about god and stuff with her. I quite like to discuss these things. She is not about to drag me to church and I am not about to make her not believe. We simply chat
As an abuse survivor, I say this is not one, but TWO metric fucktons of bullshit. I was ‘broken’ by a bad PERSON, and bad luck on place/time. It sure as fuck wasn’t to make me ‘glow’ and reveal my true purpose. ?
Bad stuff happens-so does good stuff- pretty much at random. We can do our best, but life is largely chaos and not ‘ordered/purposed’ by Invisible Sky Daddy.
That lady should also definitely get help for hearing voices! I pity folks who think like this.
'Invisible Sky Daddy' I like this. Is he Kin the Fairy god mother?
@joe1334us Plus the Tooth Fairy, Santa, and of course, the Easter Bunny!?
@CarolinaGirl60 Now you have made me laugh off all that sick nonsensical Fairy Dust! ROFLOL
And how long does that glow last? Maybe an hour? Then it's just an empty plastic tube.
I like that.
And throw in the garbage.
I have had Extensive experiences of being "broken" and it Totally convinced me there is NO gawd.....nor did reading the Book of Job. Just ridiculous to think a "loving shepherd" would "break you" to show you his/her/its "love".
There are three rules that I live by. Only three. 1) Don't break things. 2)Don't hurt anybody. 3) Have a good time. This god person mentioned seems hell bent on breaking all the rules. This god person is an asshole. Don't be like God. Follow the rules.
If god is omnipotent why does he have to resort to cruel draconian techniques to mold people into what he failed to make them in the first place.
The ridiculous apologetics that people resort to and the outright lies they tell to convince themselves that there is a god only strengthen my belief that the loving and merciful deity that they believe in is a fairytale.
As you can see, everything about this infuriates me
We have to be molested as children, we have to be kidnapped and sold into sex slavery rings, we need to get cancer and die, we need to be shot in a mass shooting, we need to be crippled by debt for 30 years, we need to make excuses for god because we're too fucking weak to accept responsibility for our own lives when bad things happen we can't accept sometimes it's just bad fucking luck and others we could have done more to prevent it.
So he sends someone to assault you. To help you. Then we punish the assaulter. And at the same time praise the god who sent him to hurt you. Instead of prisons, we should exalt the rapists, assaulters, torturers. Give them compensation for making us better.
...and if done against culture in the name of
nationalism-big scale/rewrite history
I tell that to my kids after each time I slap them. Then they must thank me.
I doubt the story ever happened really. They sit around dreaming up these simplistic stories to create a fuzzy feeling that is very powerful to non-critical thinkers. It's just another in a very long line of attempts to justify the horror they experience in their daily life. After all, God is the one doing all this so it must be explained away. Since they never think deeper than the words in front of them they eat it up. Any critical thinker will run into problems immediately since we don't come with sealed vials of chemicals needing to broke so we can have a short period of chemical reaction that makes us glow. Why couldn't their God make them that way to start with and skip all the suffering are just a few things that I thought up before I finished reading. They do no such thinking since they want it to be true. They actively use this stuff to make believe what they want to believe.
It was the f'ing dollar store. Why didn't mom just buy the toddler some shit to shut him up?
Yes, god will break you so you can be fixed and that bully down the street will beat the snot out of you. I'm still in Facebook but I don't respond to nonsense like this unless it is to be factual. Remember also that Peter could not walk on water because he did not keep his eyes on Jesus, and they made a big song out of it. Another song I remember was something about a cup of water. (Gee, what if we are thirsty for Jesus.) People would sing it and cry their eyes out. Whip me a little more. Show me something. Make me cry. Yeah, that's my god.
How about if you just quit facebook? Most everyone I know has.... Except Trump supporters.
Market forces. Nearly all my FB friends love the re-posts from here. You live in a theist society, I do not. Therefore your FB will get in trouble from the usual crowd. If you were to post some of the crap the Trumpists and creationists put post your FB on my page. They would either be taken down or ridiculed to fk