The annual War on Christmas is on. Fox news has their panties in a twist over the Starbucks Satan cup again,
" The War on Christmas," another of those endless, completely unfounded cries of persecution uttered with tedious regularity by the xtian fraternity.
For example, They love to refer, quite falsely and unfoundedly, that the early Believers were persecuted by the Roman Empire simply because of their Montheistic Beliefs, - Err, sorry, 1001% totally INCORRECT since history and historical records show clearly that the Romans, more often than not, assimilated/adopted the beliefs of peoples they conquered into their own belief systems quite readily and openly. There were numbers of Hebrew Synagogues located with the city of Rome itself, the early Xtians, known before the Council of Nicaea ( 325 C.E.) as the Messianics, DID NOT practice their beliefs in caves, catacombs or in hiding BUT completely overtly and in the open view of everyone.
Xtians ( Messianics) WERE NOT tortured/burned at stakes in the Arenas around the Empire neither were they 'rounded up enmass' and imprisoned to await executions, it IS ALL Xtian propaganda put forth by the latter 'Holy' Roman Empire, aka, the Catholic Church simply to 'bait' people into becoming sympathetic towards the Church and joining them.
Xtianity, itself, is Gulity beyond a doubt of declaring WAR upon any and ALL who chose not to follow it and its rituals and beliefs, NOT the other way round as they would have us believe.