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Is anyone else interested in Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism, or meditation?

Orbit 7 Dec 2

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Yes, mostly Meditation.


Yes....there are groups on here. You can search in the Groups and find them.


Yes I am interested in Advaita Vedanta.


Did it for me! TYVM


Don't know what Advaita and Vendanta are but I'm always open to new ideas. I won't be any more convinced in any notions of an unprovable God if that's part of them, though, than I am from Christianity.

It doesn't have anything to do with a God or gods per se. Some Hindus are atheistic, seeing the "gods" as symbols only. The branch of Hindu philosophy where that is possible is Advaita Vedanta.

@Orbit Sounds more in line with my thinking.


I do yoga and meditation every day.

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