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Right away I thought about condemning the act but then... I remembered that 500 years ago... catholics did to other native religions the same thing in the Americas so... Fuck It.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Dec 4

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And things that happened 500 years ago are relevant because...?
Other than a learning experience.
Sounds like a lazy-ass cop out to me!

Works for me and for israel and for church and religions.

@GipsyOfNewSpain no, they are full of denial. You cannot even bother to protest.

@AnneWimsey Well... every time I tell a jew.... jews killed jesus... I end up with a Big Smile at their response. confederate monuments will get more protection.

@GipsyOfNewSpain ummm, no, that would be Roman soldiers (of probably many origins) that did the trial & the execution. Never read the babble, i see......

@AnneWimsey Never did. Not even in Catholic School... I winged it for six years until the kicked me out for fighting too much and I admit Fighting Dirty. But I see you using the jew version of affairs where they refuse to admit they could had saved him... if they wanted to... something they didn't do... He was not Up to their Standards.

@GipsyOfNewSpain so, now you are discussing the babble AS If it is a historical resource.....LOL!

@AnneWimsey You don't believe in adam, lilith and eve? You saying there is no devil? How about the Ten Commandos?

@GipsyOfNewSpain you just hold yer breath there, until I do!

@AnneWimsey Okay.


It was a crime. Don't lower yourself to such standards. You're not being asked to mourn the damage, so you don't need to care about the loss. Still, as moral people, we shouldn't tolerate such outward hatred.



It is property and art destruction, vandalism
Crimes of the past don't allow crimes in the future, but also the state can't treat religion as sacred (or you need to treat all others as sacred and anyone can claim anything is religion).


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