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It’s ok to be any skin color.

MrControversy 7 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I am a beautician and I remember the times when my colleague used bleaching face creams to get rid of bullying at work. it was horrible. One day she came to me with tears in her eyes and asked for help. After another product, she got a horrible rash and then acne, which could only be cured with prolonged therapy with hormones and prx t33 peeling. It is really a pity that not many people realize how important it is to be themselves.


As a devout NBA fan, I have developed skin color blindness. I recommend it to everyone. Fifty shades of tan could be a good book title.


Isn't that a white power supremacy shit Hand Sign?


Tell that to the chocolate milk!


long as you aren't a Muslim right :/


Sure it is. But it's not ok to be ignorant of the historical and continuing racial indignities that some of these skin colors experience on a daily basis.

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