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Why is it that a lot of the liberals on this website which constitute an overwhelming majority seem to have substituted their lack of religous belief for a desire for an all powerful government who takes care of them from cradle to grave?

Trajan61 8 Dec 4

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Why do you refer to President Obama as an idiot repeatedly. He was much higher educated that the current president. He is a self made man unlike the current president. Do you realize that the tax cuts that he gave to the rich and corporations who didn’t need it have to be covered by borrowing money from the Chinese. Do you know anything about finance. He has set a new record for spending and vacation days. There is a reason for regulation in the banking industry that was placed there after the crash in in late 2000’s. Donald removed it so his friends could cheat the poor out of more money. If you like Authoritarian rule, move to NK. This is a democratic society.. no one is above the law.

Why do the liberals call Trump foul names? Hell Trump favors less government not more. Obama on the other hand was an arrogant piece of crap who favored more government regulations and higher taxes. The government needs to be curbed not become bigger and more powerful. Since you favor big government why don’t you move to NK? You should get along just fine there. @Bigpawbullets

"He is a self made man unlike the current president. Do you realize that the tax cuts that he gave to the rich and corporations"

Obama was a career politician & became very rich from politics.
He bailed out all the wall St. crooks to the tune of 700 billion during the 2008 financial collapse. Never sent one of them to jail.
Killed 100s of innocent people by drone attacks he signed off on.
Yep, a real prince of s man..

@Trajan61 you are incapable of answering a simple question as you cannot. I find that entertaining

@callmedubious you do realize that drone strikes and deaths have soared under the your current president. The mayhem of his administration puts the important issues on the backburner.


republiKKKan troll alert. russians back at it creating hate and discontent. Nothing like those who enjoy being screwed in their ass by the rich and famous for a few bucks.

If you don’t agree with it it’s trolling but if you agree it’s ok. That seems to be your looney philosophy. The foul mouthed liberal are definitely more guilty of trolling.

@Trajan61 russian troll alert... Inbred Persuasion. SHOW YOUR FACE BITCH!


Lack of belief in a deity and political stance have little to do with each other. Your characterization of liberals as wanting the government to take care of us is inaccurate. What I want is a safety net for those less fortunate than I, universal healthcare that does not drive people into bankruptcy, a compassionate immigration policy, and an end to the ceaseless wars that take all the money away from the things I want. I have worked all my life and accept only government money I have earned. We're all in this together, and there us no afterlife, so we need to do the best we can now.

If that’s the case why do most of the people on this website favor big government? They’ve rejected religion which is good but at the same time they back politicians who favor higher taxes, more government regulations and less freedom.


Since Eisenhaur, the republicans/righters have done the most to grow government's reach, intrusion, cost, and deficit.

Obama was a regulation nut. Trump has done away with a lot of those idiotic regulation so I think you have it backwards. The democrats have always been for higher taxes and more burdensome government and is becoming even more socialist with the likes of Bernie Saunders and Ocasio Cortez.

@Trajan61 . . . yes the trump gang has done stuff to protect the most evil doing what they do to the rest of the world.

@Trajan61 . . .all the while allowing more intrusion via warrantless searches, private prisons,...


That’s a very biased and inaccurate view of liberals in general.

Then why is it they favor socialism?

@Trajan61 You mean like social security, medicare, public schools, public libraries, public highways, a military, police, fire departments, unemployment insurance and stuff like that, which by the way are all forms of socialism. So, yes I guess we kinda do.............

@Dhiltong Highways, police, roads and military are one thing but the democrats go way overboard on social programs.

@Trajan61 . . . compared to what alternatives? Rich assholes don't pay what they should so they have billions. And 60 % of the US budget goes to corporate welfare for these rich assholes.


I'm not a political person, so I tend to stay away from political threads.. but I don't see an overwhelming amount of people wanting to be pampered by the government. What I do see is a bunch of people who don't want our government to take steps backwards, like it's currently doing.

So you favor more government regulations just like that idiot Obama?

@Trajan61 Depends on the regulations. If the majority of people weren't idiots, then we wouldn't need regulations.. but sadly they are, so we need them for certain things.

@FatherOfNyx Yes for certain things but that idiot Obama went way overboard!

@Trajan61 Nothing really stood out to me as overboard.. but I also passively paid attention.


Your statement is false. Like Lincoln, we believe in government of, by and for ALL of the people. You would do well to believe similarly.

Then why is it that the overwhelming majority of the atheist liberals on this website favor big government?

@Trajan61 What you call "big government" is anything above paying the roads and keeping law and order. Government FOR the people has a legitimate role to paly in serving the interest of ALL of the people.

Governments of almost all industrialized nations -- except the USA -- believe that their people are of sufficient value to invest in their health, retirement, and other essential services which help to assure the well being of its people -- its most valuable resource. Why are reactionaries and ultra-conservatives so self-centered and backward?

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