10 9


This fucker just needs to die of a massive heart attack as soon as possible.

Sgt_Spanky 8 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Nice to see Cenk Uygur and TYT being relatively balanced and reasonable. Maybe they've mellowed a bit since the Democrats took the house.


There's one problem with getting rid of that asshole-it's called Pence. He may actually be worse. They will both have to go to get to people of reasonable intelligence and ability to govern.

We have to attack this one disaster at a time. First Trump has to go then we deal with Pence. At least with that scumfuck Ryan retiring and Pelosi set to take the Speaker position we now have a break in the endless line of Repub corruption.


All the World is His Stage and he is just Loving It. The more you feed the monkey the longer its going to dance.


That idiot Obama was the one who did a lot of damage to this country. It will take some time to undo the damage done by that arrogant SOB but Trump is doing a good job so far.

russian troll. troll alert!!!!!

@Shawappa44820 Just FYI: don't bother being polite or civil to this guy. He's a Trumptard from the Conservative Atheist group: people smart enough to see through the bullshit of religion but too dumb to see through the bullshit of 45.

@Shawappa44820 That is especially true of the liberals. If things don’t go their way they just go ballistic.

@Shawappa44820 Obama was a regulation nut who cost this country billions for little gain.


MMEBP. (Mega-massive even before possible)

godef Level 7 Dec 4, 2018

I despise the Orange Sphincter and his Republican supporters.


A heart attack is too normal. He needs to suffer the way we have for the past 2 years and see all of his empire go to housing the homeless and veterans. Just to turn Mars Largo into a Public Golf Course or to Build Section 8 Housing for the Seniors while he is alive would be a sight to behold.

You have a creative and finely tuned sense of vengeance and I admire that.

@Sgt_Spanky I myself believe a russian VD is eating his brain.

@GipsyOfNewSpain Then it's starving.

@Nevermind345 The Best Laid Out Plans are bound to Fail when involves an Idiot.

@Nevermind345 Putin has been looking a little thin lately.


I can't keep up with all the malfeasance coming out of this administration. They mass produce corruption the way Preparation H mass produces hemorrhoid cream.

Preperation H can't keep up with the house of orange.


There is SOOOOO much that is going on that we aren't even hearing about, YET.
The environmental damage being done may never be repaired.

Friday can't come soon enuf.

@godef Okay, I'll bite. What happens on Friday?

If you environmentalist idiots had your way millions of people would starve as we don’t have the technology to feed the world without oil.

@Trajan61 Wow. You always jump to all sorts of WRONG conclusions. Typical of you though. Way to be consistent.
You can't defend any of what he's doing, so you call me an "environmentalist idiot", with ZERO proof of that.

@KKGator And you have zero proof we can feed the world with 100% green energy like some of the liberals seem to want to do.

@Trajan61 I have never made such claims. Not sure where you got that idea from. I'm also not a liberal. Another wrong assumption on your part.

If you're going to attack me for anything, kindly keep it to things I've ACTUALLY said.

@KKGator Since your a Trump basher you must be a liberal.

@Trajan61 That is yet another false assumption. Hating 45 doesn't make anyone a liberal, or even a democrat (which I also am not).

I have detested 45 for over 40 years. He has never been anything but a con man. He's ripped-off regular working people over and over again.
He's never been a good businessman. He's actually a pretty crappy businessman. You know, declaring bankruptcy SIX times. He's defaulted on numerous loans and other contracts. He's been involved in over 3,500 legal proceedings, most of them were cases of him being sued for breach of contract and not paying people what he owed them. He's a fucking crook, and he's never believed the rules applied to him. Everything he accuses others of doing, he's already done himself. Repeatedly.

He's morally reprehensible and a complete hypocrite.
He's also a pathological liar.
He is completely unfit to be president of anything, especially this country.

Hating him for all those things does NOT make me, or anyone else, a liberal. It just means I've been paying attention to what a miserable slug of a human he is.
Btw, I've not said one untrue thing about him. Not one.
He's vile, and he's lying to you and everyone else who still believes he gives a shit about them.

If you can't figure that out for yourself, you are beyond reason.

@KKGator I forget exactly what it was, but it had to do with Mueller presenting evidence or something along those lines.


This is planned bullshit and another nail in the U.S. superiority as it falls farther behind. Trump will be the end of the US. A corrupt dirty bastard.

Testify brother!

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