One of the worst and ugliest things a human can do to a fellow human is treat them as inferiors and belittle them.
Anyone want to help set this individual straight?
I'm pretty worn out with being put down because I'm misunderstood.
What would an intelligently designed human actually look like?
People forget the "golden rule."
Yes....that's a major part of the comprehensive aspects of the rule @Donotbelieve
Yeah, I looked at times guy's profile. It's not even coherent. I can imagine any conversation with him could only have been similarly unintelligible...
I'm sorry. I didn't see the comment. I did what I could with nothing to reply to.
@Donotbelieve Thank you! That's a nice thought.
Unfortunately for me cos I'm nosey but /fortunately he has removed his most offensive comment. Yes you are probably correct it in saying it is the 'worst and ugliest thing a human can do to treat others as inferiors and belittle them:" But sometimes it is irrisitable when they shoot themselves in the foot and show how inferior they are in intellect and humour. A religious person who describes himself as a VIRGO ffs, with no sense of humour comes to is asking to be ridiculed.
I love your posts Donotbelieve. I love your dry humour and clever wit. Don't be put out because one out of hundreds of us here love ya.
The Blakadow guy?
@Donotbelieve I couldnt see his post but I looked at his profile.You should have no worries.
@Donotbelieve MsDemeanour had the same thought. I looked at his profile... "nobody owns me... god satan gov't..." but yea... "I'm a virgo..." so... 'the fuck outta here with that shit.
The rest of his bio reads like Elliot Rodger's ego stuck its dick in a word salad and, Viola!: Incel-ada di Scungili.