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Had a thought while riding my bicycle home from work. Hear me out.

The universe is like a box of Legos. We are the kids that play with the Legos. The Legos were not given to us, the box as always been with us.

The bricks are mostly simple with some variation. There are pieces already put together, beyond our skill level. The box came with no instuction manuals, so we make our own constructs. Other kids try to sell you their instruction manuals.

The kid nextdoor says his dad gave us the legos and made the cool sets. Neither of you have met his dad, but the neigbor shows you a note that says his dad is responsible.

What do y’all think of this analogy?

RandyMoose 7 Dec 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I understand the analogy and it's pretty accurate. All the items you see around you have always been there or have been able to be created. Some people found out what to do with some resources first and said if you want use our resources you have to play by our rules.

An analogy I like to make about consumerism and the insane competition is; life is like a play
ground, you have a bunch of kids battling each other for the tallest slides and the highest swings and then there are some that just like to be outside.


Sounds like a reasonable analogy to me. And as UK British I see no problem with your vernacular. UK has many different dialects each natural to their region. Hoity toity BBC or received English is artificial and bears no resemblance to the varying UK demotic expressions and accents. And no need to apologise. Be proud of your language as it’s about successful communication and I am sure I know exactly what you were communicating


The coolest kits cost a lot. Lol


I don’t know I’ve always viewed life to be more like donkey Kong


KInd of far fetched - but hey, keep riding , ya never know.

I composed a pretty good song while riding ... good thought time !


I agree with the other comments. That analogy is hard to follow and not really on target. Take another lap around town on your bike and see if something different pops into you head.

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