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So we’re trashing the planet: []
Nuclear power isn’t the answer: []
And electric vehicles require cobalt, which is dangerous to mine and will eventually be in short supply: []
I’m terribly depressed.

altschmerz 9 Dec 8

Enjoy being online again!

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We need a few more Elon Musk's in the world.


It is definitely is not something that must wait 20-40 years from now to decide what to do! Why will most governments not apply themselves to long range plans? This is something that will need the wide arms of government!


Second link is very biased.


Do you think scientific consensus is valid? []


Don’t be depressed be innovative and motivated research companies and find products that have been proven to work and buy and/or promote them to other individuals or as I did my local and state governments.

I simply asked how can China and Costa Rica be a hundred plus years ahead of us in renewable energy?? I thought that America was a leader not a follower ( most of my local and state representatives are Republicans so gotta go the American pride route and it at least got them talking to one of our universities about starting a solar field project.
So what could it hurt if all of us did the same thing?

Good work!

@Closeted Hey it’s not what you sell but how you sell it so do some research on these people before you go in front of them and give them these two things.
(1) what they individually want to hear and (2) make them feel as though they deserve the credit for doing it.
Trust me on that

@Closeted Well I’m currently trying to sell the idea that we should move on from trump. He’s done and if everyone would back off of him as far as the social attacks go I’m 90% confident that he’ll go willingly and quietly.

But right he’s almost in a corner and if you’ve never seen a cornered rat then you should need to because there’s nothing more dangerous but mob mentality what can you do right?

@Closeted Let’s face it he’s an easy target so of course even YouTube and reddit comedians sound funny when it comes to him.

But his following is smaller than they’re being made out to be and he’s lost a nice portion due to his jobs fiasco and mark my words he will at some point either attempt to blame them or he’ll try to use them to threaten the federal authorities and that boys and girls will be the stupidest but the most rule inspiring move that idiot could ever make.


Something we definately need to work on!

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