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Nice little bit of analysis in the Atlantic regarding the independent counsel's investigation:

alliwant 7 Dec 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I guess because of so many folks in his tribe sticking with him even though he lies daily, he tries everything in his power to destroy the environment and to destroy democracy as we know it, that I have held my breath till I can not do it any longer. Nevertheless, I am hoping that this sad example of a human along with his family and cronies spends quite some time behind bars.

gearl Level 8 Dec 9, 2018

Interesting indeed and I believe that recently there was decision made by the Supreme Court stating that double jeopardy didn’t apply when a case goes between federal and state courts.
So trump and friends could receive double indictments but we’ll see.

I found some commentary on the oral arguments yesterday, and this is pretty typical of what I found; sounds like at least 6 justices favor upholding separate sovereigns doctrine, which will not impose any new limits on multiple prosecutions. Really, RBG is the only justice firmly committed to overturning separate sovereigns. Oral arguments were Thursday, final decision sometimes next year: []


Not surprising.

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