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Gun control and Switzerland.
Tell me again why we can't do this here?

Elganned 8 Dec 10

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Because Congress has opted for a hands-off approach to hand gun legislation & let's the NRA draft the bills the way they like them.


Not a serious examination of Swiss gun culture...playing it for laughs instead of a serious study. Therefore cannot make a serious comparison to the U.S. Questions begged but not addressed: Is the fact that the Swiss have so few shootings with so many guns due to a mostly homogeneous society (few ethnic minorities)? Fewer shootings due to cultural difference from U.S.? Etc., etc. The issue was not treated in depth or with seriousness.

@Elganned It would be a futile exercise...the fear of guns in the U.S. is emotional and irrational...logic cannot change an emotionally based mind-set. I do not need the frustration.


We could save about $600,000,000 per year on defense if we adopted the Swiss practices.

BD66 Level 8 Dec 10, 2018

Sorry $600,000,000,000 per year on defense


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I did NOT know this! Hidden tricks. Or not so hidden.


It’s a similar situation in Canada. We have plenty of guns. However, it’s a very different ideology and plenty of regulation than in America.


Because as I pointed out to someone earlier we have two governments and several sets of ideologies split between 3 main sets of people.

One side believes no rules no boundaries when it comes to firearms, the other side believes that we’ll become this peaceful, prosperous, and enlightened utopia the very moment we remove all of the guns,

And then there’s the rest of us who either don’t care one way or another or we’re like Switzerland and believe that everyone should have to serve in the military if for nothing more than to hopefully learn fellowship, discipline and be identified as an idiot that shouldn’t have a paper route let alone a firearm and that there should be common sense guidelines

But let’s be extremely real here we have people that are extremely undertrained and socially paranoid running around with at least one firearm on them at all times and then you have those who act like a picture of a firearm is going to require therapy.

But and I do mean BUT I’d bet ya that if I was to put a pistol in a room ( with blanks in it of course) I was to introduce certain people that are considered as being socially unacceptable like trump or any of his known supporters along with one of these hurt and damaged individuals they’d take that pistol and empty it and keep squeezing until they have that weapon removed.

And anyone can say what you want but you know it’s true and it’s a result brainwashing and social conditioning. Even on here I’ve seen that barely maintained rage. Just saying look at some reactions

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