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What do you really know about the Proud Boys?
Did you know they are not all whities?
Did you know they did not start the fights in NYC and Portland?
Did you know they were not in charlottesville?

They are another group of people labeled as haters by actual haters.

Reminds me of how Tommy Robinson was labeled a racist by the actual racists.

Gavin McInnes responds to some of the accusations:


JacarC 8 Dec 11

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A play straight from the tRump playbook.


Did you know I know people who were in charlottesville at the time and their participation in that ralley is well documented? Give me a break.

Edit: and by participation, I mean one of the Proud Boys directly organized it himself. Im sure its just a cooincidence that after each instance of violence they foment they disavow the member and claim they were spies.

Did you know you can retroactively get away with saying you werent involved in everything you're responsible for by disavowing your members after the damage is done? What are the odds that far left spies keep joining them to attack our own while shouting their slogans to make em look bad?

Did you know that Jason Kessler, who described dead counter-protestor Heather Heyer as a "fat, disgusting Communist," was filmed being initiated into the Proud Boys?

Did you know Proud Boys and far-right skinheads were caught on video singling out and attacking protesters in New York City?

Did you know that Gavin takes great pains to rhetorically distance himself from alt right racism despite being a cornerstone of it and contributing to sources that feature almost exclusively thinly veiled white supremacy in all its splendor?

Did you know the “western chauvinist” label is just a “PR cuck term” McInnes crafted to gain mainstream acceptance from gullible chaps like yourself, and his thin veneer of semantic denials is exactly how he got a token minority of chauvinistic people of color to join?

Did you know the Southern Poverty Law Center has a whole page dedicated to watching for this hate group you defend, which contains so much of this and other damning evidence that Im having trouble deciding which parts to even parse for you?

Did you know that you hadnt even heard of these assholes til I brought it up and now its on my conscience for leading someone gullible into something terrible that they'll inevitably support?

Did you know that since youre determined only to listen to his words Im wasting mine? So take it from his mouth.

“Maybe the reason I’m sexist is because women are dumb. No, I’m just kidding, ladies. But you do tend to not thrive in certain areas — like writing.”
—Gavin McInnes, The Gavin McInnes Show, June 28, 2017

“We brought roads and infrastructure to India and they are still using them as toilets. Our criminals built nice roads in Australia but aboriginals keep using them as a bed. The next time someone bitches about colonization, the correct response is ‘You’re welcome.’”
—Gavin McInnes, “10 Things I like About White Guys,” Taki’s Magazine, March 2, 2017


Proud BOYS says it all...A MAN would not be into this juvenile crao!


I’m glad I’m redpilled.


Did you know Proud Boys got their troubles, I got mine.


Proud Boys‘ values center on the following tenets:

Minimal Government
Maximum Freedom
Anti-Political Correctness
Anti-Drug War
Closed Borders
Anti-Racial Guilt
Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment)
Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment)
Glorifying the Entrepreneur
Venerating the Housewife
Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism

Anti-political correctness - I get that because there aren't many things you can call a white dude that is insulting. Should be their right to use words like retard, fag, cunt, etc.

Venerating the housewife - yeah, I'm not even going to go down that rabbit hole. Don't mind me, I'll just be vacuuming over here in my heels and pearls.

Maximum freedom - but for whom? Certainly not new immigrants if they are for closed borders. Certainly not women if they want them in the home taking care of their man.


sorry im from other country that does not have this shit

Got a room to rent out by any chance? Asking for a friend...😉

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