Hello out there, I am new to the site. Checking it out. How do you all like the admin? Is trolling controlled well. Is there problem with spam in your email after signing up.?
Welcome....the most fun site godless peopled, and regulationless, and weirdest......well...you get the idea.....have a blast...oh...did I say welcome???
I find this site great fun, no problems with spam and minimal trolling. Any trolls get shut down pretty quickly. It depends on what you joined for....if it’s just for interacting with interesting, like minded people you will find it good. As far as dating is concerned I can’t say, I’m only here for community. Welcome to you anyway, whatever!
Welcome. I was pretty excited when I joined, but to be honest, I've gotten a little more bored as time goes on. I am beginning to give up on the idea of meeting anyone in person from this site, since we're all quite far-flung. There are certainly some fun people here, and it's nice to share a virtual space with people who don't tolerate religious nonsense.
Are you sure you're having as much fun as you deserve???
@HankSherman clearly I am not.
@pashaonenine I apologize....want you to know I see this as a personal failure.....heres a freebe, just reach out grab some of my fun....no worry, I have plenty to spare, pull it in close, and claim it for your own((((((????????????????)))))).....
I’ve never had a single piece of spam email related to this site. Thank gawd!!! Jk.
The level system helps keeps the scammers to a minimum.
Welcome to the site, engage and you’ll get to know some great people.
I don't see more spam in my email since I signed up.
I have never had any soam... aonly a few scammers,just report to Admin & they are gone, IMO, and experience, the site is very well-run
Only about a month in here, but zero spam, very responsive helpful admin, and overall what seems to be a pretty awesome community. It is a free site, so trolls/scammers lurk as well, but admin does a fabulous job keeping that in check (I recommend joining the trolls/ scammers group to stay in the loop with red flags.) Check out the other groups and see what's going on in your area of interest. Welcome, and enjoy!
Welcome! I have not had any problems with emailed spam. It is easy to block and report trolls. In their profile, under "Details" are links: "Block user / Report. "
To learn about levels and the perks for gaining points:
Overall the site doesn't seem to be very tightly monitored by the powers that be. That said, the members of this site are pretty good about shutting trolls down. I think it has to do with the fact that there's no fear of going to hell, so these heathens will really let them have it.
I've never gotten any spam email that I could trace back to this site, so that's good. I'll get emails when there are responses relevant to me, but that's about it.
If you're here for the dating aspect, most here (not all) have found it underwhelming at best. If you're just here for the community, it's a pretty enjoyable place.