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Wow is the majority of people here OVER 50?

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RJWells 4 Dec 16

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The categories 20s, 30s and 40s each cover only one decade. The 50+ category includes multiple decades, so of course there would be a larger percentage.


No. The young ones tend to hide from ageist prigs, though...


You have no idea what you're missing.


I'm 29 but I voted 30's cause I'll be 30 next month. ... Boy am I gonna feel old then!! lol

@RJWells I'm glad you understand ....😉


I wonder if the high prevalence of older people is because we are at an age that we consider the philosophical questions interesting and important. When I was younger, still atheist, I had other things to occupy myself, raising kids and working. Whether people were religious or not was of little importance since I'm in Australia where religion has little significance. AS I've got older, I have the time to involve myself in social injustice. I am far less tolerant of religion because it causes division and bigotry and wars. I am at an age where I feel I must be active in my atheism so here I find myself at a so called dating place but mostly it is the conversation and jokes I enjoy.Sorry if this is a problem for you but you can't hide away the baby boomers. There are so many of us 😛


lol. seems that way doesn't it.


i know i am. i have not conducted a study of who else is or isn't, and this poll, while it might tell you how many people who are interested in polls are also over 50, it won't tell you how many people on the site are over 50 (or how many people on the site are interested in polls).



Do you mean mental or physical age? Some of us over-50's actually feel younger than we did years ago... I can certainly vouch for that.


This should be encouraging to younger people. As we age we do tend to become wiser. Not always -- for instance the orange gasbag in the WH is a case of arrested development (actual age 72; apparent age 13). ?


With age comes wisdom, son. This is a wise group. Now then, did you bring enough bubble gum for everyone?

I have to respectfully disagree. Age does not bring wisdom, If that were the case our economy and government wouldnt be so fucked.

@MrChange , it's not age that is the cause of the problem in that case. It is inbreeding.

@chucklesIII I can agree to that.


Does that excite you? Or turn you off?

@RJWells really? it doesn't depend on how kind she is, how smart she is, how much she likes you, whether or not she has any good or bad habits or whether she can cook/split an atom/fix a carburetor? it depends on how she LOOKS?


@RJWells um no, i do not have that experience, sorry. i am not here for dating. i am with the man i love and he doesn't look like an actor or a rock star. some people might not think he was hot at all, but i came to love him within a few months of meeting him. was it love at first sight? no. is that the only way to fall in love? is that even the only way to get to know someone? no, it's not. as for time, what's the rush? do you want it done FAST or do you want it done RIGHT? by the way, no, it's not the first thing you know about anyone online. you don't know what i look like unless you go to my profile, and that's only because i put some pictures of myself (other than my baby picture) on there. i didn't have to. i chose to. (since i'm not into the dating part of the site, it would be quite reasonable for me to post pictures of my cats instead.) i am not looking for romance but i do expect people to consider what i say before they consider what i look like. i do the same for others. so, for you yes. for me, no.


p.s. imagine i was single and wanted to find a guy here and someone contacted me and he didn't look attractive to me. you assum ei would say ehhh and ignore him completely? how rude would THAT be, and how STUPID, since he might be a really cool guy who didn't happen to have a handsome face. SOME people are NOT shallow. imagine that!

@RJWells She's hawt. Little old ladies know many things. 😉


I think unbelief is something that takes time to [a] develop and [b] become fully embraced and acknowledged in a lot of people, so probably the over-50 crowd is well-represented here.


Yeah, I passed the 50 posts mark a log time ago. I wish I could shut the hell up - but it's just not meant to be,


Guess there's probably something to that whole wisdom comes with years adage after all...43 here.


All you're going to find is the age of the majority of the people that answer this poll 🙂

lerlo Level 8 Dec 16, 2018

Which is probably a good indicator of the actually active members.

Yes but not the whole site 🙂


Why do you ask?


Not OVER 50. Just 50.

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