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I was recently asked, "Why do priests rape children". My honest response was, "I don't have a clue. I really don't get it. I do not understand why anyone would want to do that".

This question makes me want to pick up the 2015 movie (Spotlight)

A bit or research found an article by The legal examiner that suggest 3 to 9 percent of priests sexually abuse children. 4% of priests abuse children is noted in a few other articles with the claim that Newsweek found this percentage to be no different then the general population.

I know several people who, as children, were raped by their priest, I also know one who was raped by neighborhood kids, another by an uncle, one by an in-law, and one girl repeatedly raped by her married gray haired next door neighbor. All but the one raped by her neighbor were boys. I consider myself lucky to not have gone through that experience.

But why do (some) priests rape children? Aren't priests supposed to be the emissary of the all powerful invisible sky daddy? Moral pillars for society? Even if we (those rational enough to recognize there is no evidence to support the god claim), realize the lack of merit for the god claim, Priests are supposed to be believers. Does their belief in the invisible (imaginary?) sky daddy have no more influence over their behavior then anyone else in the general population?

A: Some articles assert because priests and other people in positions of power behave this way because thought they could get away with this.

B: Some suggest priests rape children because they wanted to assert their authority over someone they could dominate. A power thing.

C: They do not realize the damage they are imparting: I've known many people that were really messed up as a direct result of such behavior.

D: They realize the damage but don't care about the health of the individuals they harm. I find this plausible as to preach faith as a method to find truth damages the rational health of people and society.

E: Think their god is OK with it (God will forgive them because for them it is not a sin and/or because they are also doing god's work they are good with god). I've had run-ins with bishops that convinces me that could be a reason.

F: Do not believe in their god and use the position of clergy solely for their own social, fiscal and power gain.

G: Some other reason. . . Why do you think priests rape children? You can select multiple answers.

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NoMagicCookie 8 Dec 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Also I am wary of your figures. We had a Royal Commisson here in Australia into the catholic Church on pedophilia claims. Stats I found were that 1% of the general male population is a pedophile while the concentration in churches was 7%

I assumed the same and spent a great deal of time looking for bigger differences but was not able to find anything reliable sources that made that conclusion. Could you give me the links. I"ll happily update.

@NoMagicCookie When I re look, i am not happy with the source. I too am having trouble finding reputable sources and consistent numbers. I need to look at my university library for some peer reviewed research.

@MsDemeanour Thanks for looking.


I think they had these 'unnatural tendencies' and then believed getting closer to god by joining the priesthood would help them overcome these urges. Unfortunately when they got there, they found other deviants and superiors who would absolve them of guilt and not report to authorities.


I read somewhere that men who are uncomfortable with their sexual desires are attracted to a celibate lifestyle because they think that they won't have to deal with their problems that way. But the Catholic church apparently gives very little guidance to future priests on HOW to be celibate, & doesn't address sexuality at all. So, the writer's belief was that the priesthood actually attracts pedophiles & then, not surprisingly, these guys don't find that celibacy "cures" them & that the priesthood is a good cover for them to use while preying on children. It made lots of sense to me but who knows....

Carin Level 8 Dec 16, 2018

Interesting. This does kind of fall in line with the "Me thinks he protests to much" - - Where you have Republican senators ralley against homosexual behaviour but be later arrested for hiring male prostitutes.


My guess is that many of them experienced the same when they were children. May result in a deep sense of normalcy.

One of the articles I found noted the same. A cycle of abuse.


I believe that when families have a troubled child.. they ship them off to be clergy.


One of those accused said he did not know it was illegal. I believe him.
Home schooled, immersed in dogma from birth, no contact with anyone outside of the religion.
Cults control information. These people are completely without an understanding of the real world. Another reason to dismantle all religious schools. No more tax support for ignorance.


Because they're pedophiles. Being a priest does not remove them from mental defect. No other reason to rape a child. Pedophiles. They deserve to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


Because the children are handy and that's what predators do!

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