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American "Exceptionalism".

THHA 7 Dec 17

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The most embarrassing aspect is that television shows, like Family Guy, The Simpsons, American Dad, and South Park are broadcast all over the World. And this contributes to people in other countries thinking that Americans are a bunch of idiots!

By broadcasting that shit, they are trying to make the rest of the world idiots too I guess . . .


Surprise, surprise. The only thing we excel at is bullshit and hypocrisy.


Nah what’s great is going to a soccer match in England while being an American and hearing some other American not understand why they didn’t play our national anthem. ?

Sorry but in a lot of ways we’re the best at being the worst.


These words are true... and so many Americans are blind to it.


Always find this postings very amusing.... About a year later of alleged statement, there are angry mobs walking from afar demanding entry ( not asking, I clearly and unequivocally have said DEMANDING ) entry to this "worst living standards" beautiful country of us. The posting makes me laugh.

Maybe those demanding entry into the US are not only ignorant of these facts about the US, they are also so poor and desperate they are willing to gamble on here being better than where they came from.

@TomMcGiverin ,

That is no great thing as you would like to imagine . . . . all it takes is one look at all of the European countries that are being overrun with foreigners to see that. Not only that, dissidents are often harassed in their home country, even here . . . . so they leave. Migration is normal, and just because a country is a developed country, does not mean it is anywhere near the BEST. If it were, the UN would not be saying all of these TRUE things about good old America . . .

Additionally, if it were not for so many blind "patriots" who claim that the country is great, rather than criticizing it, the country would be forced to improve itself by its own citizens, but that does not happen, because there are far to many sheep who think that it is their duty to toe the line.

Those people aren’t coming from the developed world. The point is that every other wealthy country does a better job of caring for its citizens than we do.

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