From the horses mouth.
I hope you are being sarcastic. Russian "news" as a source. Yes, I'm pretty damn liberal, but in the military I kept track of Soviet propaganda. Anyone quoting that drivel as fact is a comrade of the first order. The same people who led in the cold war made billions are now still in charge. Putin is ex KGB and has ruled with an iron first. All government news is circumspect. Only an idiot or a traitor would buy into that crap.
@powder YES. I'll be open to other sources but not Pravda light. Sorry comrade, I spent my formative years as a Cold Warrior. What did you do?
@powder well wake up and smell the roses. As I said, same guys from Soviet Russia back in charge. That's the main trouble in America, too short sighted, willing to sell out for a promise, and no real knowledge of the world and its interplay. Might as well go back to church and join the opiated minions (And yes, the Marx reference was meant, if you got it)