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I live with one foot in each of two worlds, (liberal) Christian and agnosticism. The Christian world has been there too long to abandon; too many friends, whose faith I have no desire to attack or criticize. Why should I? It comforts them and is a philosophical guide for moral behavior. But I no longer accept it’s world view. I want to love others and treat them generously and sensitively, but I don’t want or need to be “saved” or gain “eternal life.”

Lostwax 4 Dec 18

Enjoy being online again!

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If you believe in a virgin birth I've got abridge to sell you 🙂


Religion is the BIGGEST hoax ever played on humankind. No religion has a clue of who God is and therefore who are you


Are they respectful of your agnosticism?

I don't attack or criticize either, unless they start something. Even then, I do my best to avoid as arguing is pointless. I don't have many Christian friends, but have a few relatives of the ilk. I am sorry for those that believe, but hey, they are entitled. I'd say most have never taken an objective look at their beliefs.


Sounds like basic respect for others...that is a win, win!


You can do those things, i.e. love others and treat them generously and sensitively, as an Atheist, it is a decent and natural thing inherent into almost anyone, IT DOES NOT need religion at all.


I don't attack or criticize believers either. Sometimes they THINK I do, because I don't enthusiastically agree with them, or I express views that are incompatible with theirs. That is their problem, not mine.

@Dave75 The Faithfools, in my opinion, will NEVER accept anything short of everyone becoming just as they are.

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