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The fastest way to get to an earlier time.

ProudMary 8 Dec 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I've often had this feeling but never put it into words. ???


Reminded me of Neil Young's Twisted Road. (love his bus)

cava Level 7 Dec 19, 2018

Just one of the beautiful things about music.


That is true...I associate many rock and roll songs with incidents in my past.

Yes Yes...I love rock and roll. It is a big portion of the fabric of my life. @ProudMary

I am probably older than you. I was a teenager in the 50s Graduated High School in 1958. Served in the US Army... went to Viet Nam....I see we are both vets. I get most of my health care at the VA. .@ProudMary

You should sign up at the VA. I think their care is great. The price is right. @ProudMary

Good never know if you will need the VA. @ProudMary

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