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Are we witnessing the fall of the USA?

HippieChick58 9 Dec 24

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Well Canada has spoken, we are doomed... zzzZZZ, zzzzzzzZZZZZZZ ..... Ah Merry Christmas too eh?


I am ashamed of the USA. 😟


Well I’ve got 3 things to say about that (1) The way that he just described America would be like me that all Canadians have a shitty French accent, drink shittier beer and are moose fucking beaver trappers.

Because not even the majority of Americans involved in any of those actually for the most part they’ve only been attempted or actually isolated and even then they’ve spotlighted and even challenged by our justice system.
Which can only lead me to believe that this genius is only aware of what the media is telling him ??????

(2) I now understand why Poe insisted that a bell that could rung from inside his coffin be placed because who are determined to see you dead will bury you alive if given the chance.

And by that I mean all of this hysteria and panic has given people the notion that we’re dying and any day will be our funeral.

Which is highly insulting because we’ve been through a whole hell of a lot worse. Honestly it only seems so bad because it has been awhile but if you stop for a minute and ask is it worse now than it was during the periods of slavery because I’m sure that they’d look at you like y’all are mentally ill, or how’s about the Great Depression don’t see the soup kitchens rolling out and people fighting over rats and shit like that.

Oh oh I know how’s about y’all go to Oklahoma and ask the Cherokee Indians how their people settled there. Or if that’s too touchy for ya just go to Selma Alabama and march against your oppression.
I’m being serious this has survived way worse and for a great deal of time but maybe it’s because back then Americans of all types had resolve determination to overcome.

Whereas now well it seems like all we’ve got is hope that someone will save us from the monster we created. Oh yeah say what you want that SOB is the embodiment of our country’s mentality and that’s what bothers people.

He thinks that no one knows better than him and he knows this because of who he listened to, he’s selfish, arrogant and retaliation is how he fights his battles. And if he’s losing he’ll take away from you what it is that you personally value and if that doesn’t work then he’ll do something just out of spite.

And (3) I don’t see this as being the death of America but the birth of new nations. At least two and with that I say that Lincoln was wrong in forcing the union of two totally different societies that instead of healing they’ve antagonized and festered for over a hundred years and now we’re at an impasse.

And the only solutions are that we divide this country into sections where we don’t have to tolerate the other or we just go at it and whoever is left standing is who runs this country until they no longer exist.

It’s just that I don’t know whether or not y’all get it but just don’t want to get it or that you’re so self absorbed that you know it until it’s too late?
Either way I’m adaptable and will to fight against both sides if need be.

But as far as chuck Canuck goes WTFE dude funny just how opinionated people who are only watching the game can be sometimes and hey if they’re that concerned about our border and all of those desperate immigrants his country has planes so fly those fuckers down to Mexico and take them to Canada and let’s see if they head south or not.
Ok that’s what I feel ✌?

Wow, aren't you a touchy one. Not one for discussion I guess.

@Jolanta Touchy no fed up yep, fed up with people from other countries especially ones that haven’t been anything that we have.

And I’m fed up with all of these soft sensitive demanding bratty ass people who haven’t endured any real suffering running around like it’s the end of the fucking world.

So if by discussion you co signing passive aggressive liberal rhetoric or even that of trump’s supporters at this point because I have the right to express my thoughts even if they’re different from the rest and if that’s something that you have a problem with then you damn sure don’t want to hear the unabridged version of what’s wrong with our country.
Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas ??

@48thRonin Most thinking people outside the US are perfectly aware what is wrong with the US.

@Veteran229 ,
What I'd like to know is just who are we protected from by the empire to the South?
For that matter, which entity are the Americans protected from which justifies the expenditure of 100s of billions of $$ which could be used for social services such as healthcare which bankrupts 1000s of people yearly.


When that idiot Obama was president we were definitely on the decline but now that we have a strong leader in Trump we have been making a nice recovery.

Really, is that why wall street is on a down hill

@Jolanta It’s still higher than it was when Trump took over.

@Trajan61 Wow May it be because he has given the rich and himself huge tax cuts, I wonder, while people in the US are dying from lack of food and health care.

Yeah, the stock market just went into free fall. Trump is a dickhead of major order and the US is going down the toilet. I miss Obama. Under Asshat Drumpf the rich are getting richer and plundering the US, and the common folks are cannon fodder. Obama was well educated and polished. Drumpf is a moron of the first order. How you can support him, how anyone can support him just is beyond my imagining. I wish you well, but you are sadly deluded.

Really? All I see is that this country is just as divided now as it was under obama. Politicians just don't know how to play nice.

@HippieChick58 Hippiechick in my neck of the woods Obama was the most hated president in American history. You and I are very far apart on politics, as your at one extreme and I’m on the other. I’d almost rather have a civil war than have another idiot like Obama as president.

@Jolanta Considering your from Australia why are you so concerned about American politics. I can see why Spike banned you from the conservative group as your nothing but a left wing liberal troll.

@Trajan61 Barack Obama was a well educated, well spoken, intelligent, caring, astute, faithful man. Der Donald does not have one tiny percentage of the compassion, humanity, or intelligence President Obama has and had. #45 is a disgrace to the office and the nation. The only idiot in the white house is the current occupant and those that put him there are a disgrace to the nation. We may well have civil war because of #45 and his conduct.

@HippieChick58 If civil war ever does break out I’m 100% certain you and I will be on opposing sides.

@Trajan61 On that it does look like we do agree.

@HippieChick58 ,
Obama got into politics to make a lot of money & succeeded.
A great president, by any measure, he was not.
He increased the national debt by an obscene amount & ordinary Americans were no better off. I could go on.

@callmedubious I totally disagree. Obama got into politics because he saw a need and wanted to help people. For most, a political career is not the road to riches. He is likely the most intelligent and most well educated, and most compassionate president we've ever had.

@HippieChick58 You worse than the religous idiots abouts your radical beliefs!

@Trajan61 Yeah, yeah, whatever.

@Trajan61 That's right, more wars when you cannot get it by peaceful means.

@Trajan61 Oh, yeah, because you are such a compassionate person who really cares about your own people.

@Jolanta What in the hell are you talking about? Trump hasn’t started any wars. He’s pulling US troops out of Syria and probably Afghanistan.

@Trajan61 Did I say he did? Actually if you think about it the US is heavily involved in the war in Yemen.

@Jolanta The Saudi’s are fighting the Iranian backed rebels in Yemen. Yes the US are assisting the Saudi’s it the Iranians are heavily involved with the rebels and the Iranian’s are a dangerous sponsor of Islamic terriorism.

@Trajan61 Funny how the US is happy helping the Very same Saudis who are responsible for the 9/11. Suddenly they are the best of friends when it comes to killing someone and there’s millions to be made.

@Jolanta The Saudi regeme had nothing to do with 9/11. Saudi citizens were involved yes but it was Osama Bin Laden another Saudi Citzen who was responsible for 9/11.

@Trajan61 You ever heard of the Wahhabies? I guess you don’t believe that it came from there.

@Jolanta Bin Laden and the Taliban government were the ones responsible for 9/11. Yes I’ve heard of the wahabies. But the Saudi government had nothing to do with 9/11. The Shia sect of Islam that is prevalent in Iran is considered to be more radical than the Sunni sect. Also Iran has been directly responsible for stirring up trouble in the Mideast and is guilty of killing US soldiers. So it makes perfect sense to support Saudi Arabia against Iran.

@Trajan61 Gosh how you love money. You probably would sell your grandma for a buck.


Yes, the world is watching, Paul, and what I see is exactly what you have listed here. It defies all logic.


What I would like to know is why so many people think that just because the USA loses its predominance in the world that the world will end as a result. Nations rise and fall, that means nothing, in the big picture, plenty of nations are not preminent, yet do very well in the world. This is just the demented American paranoia that constantly gets us into new wars and new troubles. It is not that difficult to get along with other nations if you are not so god damn paranoid of other cultures. Learn about other cultures and languages, it can be extremely rewarding, as opposed to being like the paranoid fearmongers in Washington.

THHA Level 7 Dec 24, 2018

Most people in the US don't know much about their own country and you want them to know about other cultures, isn't that a bit much to ask.

@ Jolanta Not at all. Ask someone from another country what they know about America, you will likely find that they know quite a bit. Americans though? They'd be lucky if they could find Africa, Australia or England on the map!

It's not the paranioa about other cultures. It is
that ha sealed the fate of the USA.


Might be a good thing.


We have lasted some 254 years without a worry. Now that we have an idiot in control, we need to watch what happens in China and the Middle East and the Arabian Peninsula very closely over the coming years. In a short time, China will surpass the US in computer and natural science, and medicine. War in the Arabian Peninsula is very like to continue and drag the US deeper into its grips. When the US pulls out of Yemen, we will see ISIS surge back to life. This president has taken us down this road of destruction.

@Biptu that's true.


NOT gonna happen anytime soon. .


If we better leadership in Washington, I think the USA could centeries to come. We are going down a destructive path with current Pres. and VP. An impeachment is in order.


It's already fallen. China is emergent .

@irascible yep and China is buying Australia and africa as well.

@Bigwavedave Not only Africa and Australia. They owe large chunks in the US too.


We must act to stop the culture of greed, corruption, and twisted ideology.

@irascible And the religious fundamentalists gaining power who proclaim that god will not allow this to happen.

@jlynn37 To hell with those hypocrites!


I think we are in a time of great uncertainty. Perhaps the US will fall back to a lesser position of leadership I would hope this would lead to a more equitable distribution of power between all nations. I think we will soon be approaching a point where technology will force us to decide if we want to create societies and economies that function for the massses rather than the elites.


Last time the market was as bad as it is now was 1929, the start of the Great Depression. Then as now the capitalist and oligarchs were in control of the government, and they gave huge tax breaks to industrialists, while depriving the people of necessities.

The recovery conditions are different now than ending the Great Depression. I believe the government can put people back to work on infrastructure projects, including climate change remediation projects; thus, there will be similarities for the recovery.

Climate change will improve conditions for Greenland, Canada, Alaska, Scandinavia, other northern European countries, including Russia. On the other hand, the bread basket of the US, the great plains, will desertify and fail to produce the vast quantities of grain and other food. Oil will be replaced by cheaper renewable energy, and yes, the US economy will fail to recover fully. Yet, she is still a large country, with many resources; thus, some recovery of the economy should occur, but I expect China and perhaps India to become the super powers.

@irascible true

@PalacinkyPDX People who live near sea coasts will be displaced as sea levels rise. Given the moves against immigration in many countries; it seems billions will die.

Yes China has problems, but few countries do not. It may be that China is hit so hard by sea level rise and loss of mountain glaciers, their water system will fail to the extent their population crashes horribly. India would be in the same situation. Perhaps Canada and Russia will come out on top. If the arctic melts, there may be immigration there and it may become a major power. There may be several changes in power over time. The future is uncertain.

I would put China ahead of India because India is already seeing its aquifer depletion. Also because phosphorus is the most needed element to grow food and China, USA and Morocco are the three biggest areas in the world that still contain it (science says there is only 60-100 years left based on current usage of it).

@PalacinkyPDX Permafrost releasing greenhouse gases is not a local problem. Once the stuff gets into the air, it disperses everywhere. There is enough tundra around the world to flood the world with greenhouse gases several times the amounts we have already put into the air. If global temperatures exceed +5C, we may get methane hydrate coming up from the oceans, also. The +5C increase is not a limit, and no one knows how hot it will become.

The Universe is very old, yet we have not seen evidence of technological civilizations. The Fermi Paradox asks, "Why?" It may be that civilizations hit a wall, such as climate change that wipes them out. If they survive, most of the oil and coal will already have been used, and creating another civilization will be more difficult and may take longer, even if science is preserved post apocalypse. IMO space travel is essential to prevent apocalyptic events.

@gsiamne There are enough minerals in asteroids and on other planets, if we can survive long enough to mine and use them. It's even possible to mine gas giants and the sun. If we survive another 50, I think we will be a civilization having plenty of inexpensive raw materials.

@PalacinkyPDX You may be right; although, medical science now considers old age a disease, and they are working to remedy it. You may live forever.

@PalacinkyPDX You misunderstand, they say your organs can be made younger, from skin to heart.

@EdEarl ,
That's a very depressing thought which means that the very rich sociopaths could be in control indefinitely.
That would be worse than Brave New World & 1984 combined.

@callmedubious They have driven the economy into the ground twice now, and progressives take over again. Criminals are stupid because of their greed. Their control fails sooner or later. Although, they are denying climate change and pulling us closer and closer to extinction. I hope we survive.

If we survive, automatons will start taking more and more jobs, eventually taking all of them. That will free up humanity and with asteroid mining, make a post scarcity economy. Things could be very good. We cannot predict the future, and it will have both some good and some bad, most likely.


Yes, because in all of history every empire has collapsed. It is just a debate on how much more time the US empire has left. There is also debate on how bad the US will become once that collapse happens.

How do you spell Banana Republic?

@PalacinkyPDX Yes, I have read a couple of things written by economist Dr. Richard Wolff. I also listen to his podcasts. He has talked many times about employee owned companies and the one in Spain is one of his big ones.
Yes, churches and religions who have a "god" that needs money is corruption.


I am much less concerned about the U.S. than I am about Britain and Europe. The U.N. and the E.U. seemed to be determined to implement globalism, open societies and open borders, discounting the imperialist objectives of Islam.

"Imperialist objectives of Islam"?
Which countries have they reduced to rubble & occupied lately?
Don't bother mentioning isis which is a creation of the US.



actually america won't fall any time soon. Will america fix it's self, yes, that is why we have the government with check sums and balances in power. in time it will fix itself. Besides most of us are wanting to send all the cry baby libs some where else... just saying.

Sorry, the libs are here to stay and we're going to be kicking some ass in the very near future.

@HippieChick58 good luck. that's all i can say. good luck. most libs want to burn down there own neighborhood still.

@cobra3282000 I think you're totally wrong. We're not the burning down type, we're the building up type. Republiturds are the destroy and trash types. Look at what #45 has done to environmental regulations, slash and burn. Flint, Mich still does not have drinkable water and why is that. Because the Republican powers that be would rather have profits. Thousands of children in detention tonight, thanks to #45. I could go on but I do want to be able to sleep tonight. History will not be kind to #45 or his supporters.


The meme says it well and very accurate. Only time will tell.

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