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With 2019 on the horizon, maybe we can do away with political correctness and hypersensitivity ???????
Probably not gonna happen ???????

RobertMartin 8 Dec 26

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When I was little, there will still comedians on TV who told racist, homophobic and misogynist jokes. I recall seeing one example, during a live broadcast when I was about nine or so, say "All these women who complain about getting raped - they don't know how lucky they are! Free no-questions sex - what's the problem?" I remember another in which a lifeguard saved an unconscious woman from a swimming pool, then carried her into the changing rooms where he raped her. Then there was Bernard Manning, whose jokes were frequently aimed at "n-----s" and "p---s" (words which I long ago decided I would never use). All that stuff was common.

That sort of humour (for want of a better term, as it's really not very funny at all) normalises that sort of attitude. Political correctness got comedians like that off TV, and made it clear to people who hold opinions like that that it's not ok and they ought to be ashamed to express them. I don't have an issue with that.

Jnei Level 8 Dec 27, 2018

Ummm, "Political Correctness" used to be called, "being polite". Because it is actually easy to keep your mouth Shut rather than be Vicious.
The concept was, you should not make others feel, The Golden Rule, ya know?


Many Americans go on about this right to free speech. Well it's a myth. Try saying inflammatory, racist personal remarks here and see how long before your post is removed. Next Sunday, take yourself off to your local Baptist church and shout out what ignorant fools they are and see how long it takes for the cops to show up. It is illegal to slander, to incite violence with hate speech. You can't threaten people or defame them. You aren't even allowed to shout obscenities in public, whatever the fuck that means. Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean it is valid.


We seem to be two types of people now. One are online people that we think aren't real people that we can say anything to and about and people we talk to face to face that we would never think of talking to that way.

Nope.. I'm this much of a sarcastic asshole in real life too.. ??




I don't understand what problem some people have with "political correctness" as you call it. Please tell me what is wrong with trying to be sensitive to other people's feelings & to believe in equality & fairness? Exactly how important is your "right" to be an A-hole? Let's just go back to good manners, consideration of others & the Golden Rule. If you enjoy upsetting other people just for the heck of it, then maybe you need therapy.

Carin Level 8 Dec 27, 2018

I'm all for good manners . Anymore people have lost their minds just recently with the song Baby it's Cold Outside. There's other things too, like Washington Redskins. Political correctness is simply a violation of free speech

@RobertMartin "There's other things too, like Washington Redskins. "


How about we do away with *ssholery and douchebaggery? Nah, those dudes still need something to make themselves feel vital.


Back when I was being raised, it was called being "polite" and "respecting others". I could be wrong, but I don't think it's "politically correct" to make sure everyone I meet/talk to is treated with the respect that I'd like to's just basic human decency. RESPECT


I do hope that basic human decency and respect do not disappear in the new year. It is interesting, though, how 'offended' you appear to be by these qualities. Who's hypersensitivie?


One problem with “political correctness “ is that we judge based on word or action and completely ignore context and intent. We assume the worst and condemn without any attempt to understand the thoughts behind what we object to. Secondarily, we take ourselves too seriously.

Nope.. I really think it's more just a matter of having empathy..

@hippydog have you considered ignorance as a possibility?

@Rob1948 ignorance is definitely a part of it. But, I know to many people who are highly intelligent and knowledgeable who hate being PC.. every single time when talking to them it seems to be because they don't want to know the alternative viewpoint .. mainly because it's to far removed from their personal perspective.


"Political correctness" means treating people with respect and kindness. That's a good thing.

It is rude, crass, immature and insensitive to purposely offend people. Grow up.


No. But maybe we should work on this instead:

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