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After a break from this site,I have returned,enjoy?

WayneDalton 8 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Oh! It was a break for you too?

?what are you talking about?

What was the nature and intent of this remark?

@WayneDalton i wanted to pat you on the back but your hand seemed to be in the way.

@Tompain1 my initial remark was facetious; I was poking a little fun at myself.

@Tompain1 that kind of gratuitously negative remark is why I took a break from this site in the first place; you do not know me or my mindset,so why insult me in the first place?

@WayneDalton being chided is only an insult if you decide to take it that way.

@Tompain1 who are you to chide me??


Welcome back!


I'm back
back from the pit of lies
back from pasty thighs
back from the thrill of life
back to this place of strife


Well welcome back

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