Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is caught on video promoting the Rapture. Our Secretary of State is looking to the Rapture and war between Christians and Muslims as a prelude to the end times. It seems to be getting more crazy with every firing.
Scary......christians, religious people in general, seem in a hurry to send everyone to see god,.....except themselves.....they want to live forever and rule the world.....and they're willing, make that anxious, to kill, to make that happen
Of course, them and us, and God is on our side, not.
When in Vietnam early 1970 and in preparation for an operation (didn't include me) a chaplain came up to me and actually said: "don't worry son, god is on our side". I walked away without acknowledging his comment. The stupid was so great it hurts 50 years later.
Their theory is it doesn't matter if we destroy the environment since Jesus gonna take the good christians up to heaven anyway.
Yes, God will provide.
Hoping "GOD"?takes him early...DRUMPF too.
Hopefully, Pence will go along also. Wait a minute. Pelosi will be speaker of the house! What if Mueller's investigation implicates trump and pence. Ho ho maybe there is a god.
@rogueflyer picture looks better now doesn't it?
@phoenixone1 Stanger things have happened. It's always colder just before the sunrise. Or something like that.
Great, just what we don't need, more people in power pushing this bullshit. Man do we need to get people out to vote, and help them understand what happens when they don't. So sick of these religious bullshit artists being in power.