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I would like to put something into perspective since I think our minds in general have a hard time grasping scale (I know mine does) when we talk about millionaires and billionaires.

If I spent a dollar a minute, it would take me close to 23 months to spend a million dollars. Sounds like a crazy amount of money but I can burn through it.

If I spend at that dollar a minute rate, it will take me One Thousand Nine Hundred and One years to spend a billion dollars. Our nation is run by billionaires.

The rest of us would be bankrupt almost immediately if we spent at that rate. If any of us spent $1440 a day, how long would we last?

Millionaires live in a different world than the rest of us. Billionaires live in a different reality. Please don't put your faith and belief and support into people that can never understand the struggles you have in your day to day lives. They don't know you and never will. And since money runs politics and that is what runs our lives... I wanted to get this out to y'all.

Seeker3CO 8 Dec 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Yep big numbers... I have the reverse problem when I try to explain what 1 ppb equals (1 part per billion).


Always baffled by average people feeling the interests of the 2% are somehow aligned with thiers.


it does put it in perspective


I recently saw the converse of this somewhere - what it would take to EARN a billion dollars. Even if you could earn $1000 an hour, 10 hours a day, 6 day’s a week, it would take hundreds of years.


Very good stats..


I read this and do not know if it is a fact, but if a wall grew by the thickness of a fingernail per year, at the end of 1 million years it would be 3000 feet high.


The best illustration for the scale of a billion Ive heard is:

1 million seconds is 11.5 days

1 billion seconds is 31.5 years

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