I had such high hopes for myself here. But as in other aspects of my life I find myself withdrawing into my cocoon. I love that this site exists, but engaging is just as difficult here as in person, maybe more so, due to various factors. I started out gangbusters but I feel I'm fizzling out like a cheap sparkler.
I wish all a happy new year and the best of health. Be excellent to each other, and above all: be kind.
Thanks to all for the comments and encouragement. I am hoping to put some of the advice to the test.
You don't have to be all over the site. I have to pick and choose, otherwise I can feel overwhelmed. Focus on just the categories, groups, or topics you like and leave the rest alone.
@RidingAlone. ^^^ This from @bleurowz is really important, and great advice. When I first joined, I joined a bunch of groups that I was interested in. And the notifications became over whelming. I've since culled it down to just a few, and when I feel like exploring, I do. It helps me feel more part of a community.
No guarantees. Some good advice here: try lurking and hanging; add some thumbs and votes; maybe a comment. People here are like folks anywhere - some kind, some not so much. Luckily there are many who will point out and chastise the unkind. Best wishes.
Don't feel like you must participate here. Just hang around at your own pace and when you see something that could spark your desire to comment, just do it, even if it is just a one word comment (LOL, I agree, perhaps, etc). That might eventually loosen you up a bit.