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Just because you are atheist It does not mean you have freed yourself!

Michael64 7 Jan 1

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Are you joking? If he did say this, which I doubt, it doesn’t make it right. Even musings from great minds can be challenged.

I like to remind myself that Newton was into alchemy.


Jesus Christ. All it takes is some legible font and a couple pictures and even people who allege themselves to be critical thinkers will believe fucking anything.

Tesla never said this. This quote originated in some backwoods blog somewhere where people think that just because you lack any form of fucking social skills that makes you a special fucking snowflake.


There is nothing inherently more intelligent about being antisocial.

The entire movement of the nones like us relies on people not being antisocial at every twist and turn. Don't pen us into corners with this bullshit.

EDIT: Please don't take the frequent use of cursing as a personal attack, I'm just that way, especially about nonsense. I guess I'm a little antisocial.

I didn't bother to look it up, but pretty much assumed the meme was not accurate.

Did not sound at all like Tesla.


Oh, Nidki he's so fine!

He's so fine he blows our mind!




WWJD? Lol!


What would Nicki do?


Free from what ?
I was raised without religion . Been an atheist wasn't a revolution for me . It was common sense by the age of 8.
Anti social at your 20s , 30s or 50s ? Bcz I can assure u , big difference and different reasons . !
Perhaps I do not understand your post or meme .


Dear Michael64, it seems you don't know Atheists all that well.
I, for one, am a Non-Conformist, Free from religions and their superstitions, etc, and very, very far from Anti-Social.
At least, unlike Theists, I don't need nor feel the urge to huddle in groups of like-minded sheeple, passing judgments upon others left and right without the smallest iota of who they are, what they think or feel, etc.
I need nor want No Church Dogma to tell me what is right or wrong, I can decide those things for myself and BY myself based upon the Morals and Ethic passed down through millenia of human evolution.


Freedom from what? I believe in being polite, kind and respectful. I volunteer, pick up litter, and strive to make the world a better place.

"Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to antagonize, manipulate or treat others harshly or with callous indifference. They show no guilt or remorse for their behavior.

"Individuals with antisocial personality disorder often violate the law, becoming criminals. They may lie, behave violently or impulsively, and have problems with drug and alcohol use. Because of these characteristics, people with this disorder typically can't fulfill responsibilities related to family, work or school."



just because being an atheist isn't a guarantee of having been freed (in my case, freed from what? i wasn't religious anyway) that doesn't mean one has NOT been freed either.



Just be yourself in all aspects and all your glory, everyone else is taken.


True! Though atheists tend to be freethinking in many aspects, not just religion.

Though I hate the term, "thinking outside the box" fits.

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