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RobertMartin 8 Jan 4

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yep, paid into them over 40 years. Won't get more than half of it back.

And what we do get back 1/3 of the money will be taxed.


And if the government paid back what it "borrowed" it would be solvent for generations.


Not only did we individually pay in from our paychecks, but as employers, companies paid in on our behalf as well...if you are self-employed, you paid both halves...

The biggest gripe I have is that we have already paid taxes on this money and when you start collecting, you might have to pay taxes on it again...

I do think there are things that need to be fixed so that future generations also get to benefit from this. being forced to pay in without the security of knowing your money is safe is bullshit.


It plays on a confusion of the meanings of the word 'Entitlement'.

Entitlement as what one is entitled as a right by law or entitlement because one paid into the program for bloody ever.
Entitlement as a privilege, a certain immunity granted by the state or another normative authority to a restricted group

cava Level 7 Jan 4, 2019

Wasn't it a recent Liberal Party Minister who said, " The Age of Entitlement IS over" and was then photographed sitting outside Parliament House sucking away on one very big and expensive cigar?

After laying out a budget that would totally screw the less well off, from memory.


Damn right!

godef Level 7 Jan 4, 2019

You could also say taxation is not a burden, it's a responsibility.

@maturin1919 -- Oh no! Say not! You think someone would misuse the funds of the people? Never. 😛

@maturin1919 Word

@DoctoralZombie didn't they recently get their first audit, like, ever?


Its an entitlement for those that do not pay in.

Just sayin.

SCal Level 7 Jan 4, 2019

That is correct. They call them "entitlements" to continue justification of all the money taken from the system that politicians never plan on paying back. It should be illegal. The money is actually an insurance program imposed upon us at a federal level. The word "entitlement" comes back into play once a person becomes old enough to draw this money and it is said that "you paid it in so you are entitled" to receive the money.


I doubt I will live long enough to collect back all the money I put in.

I sure would like for them to be more strict on who is actually receiving disability though. I have personally seen a lot of graft!

Totally agree about disability. In many case it is given as permanent when it really should be revisited at some point as things do change. there are actually very few people who can't do any kind of work. I'd be more inclined to having agencies that help people find suitable employment.
When I was 22 my doctor told me that I should never work fulltime and not have a job where I have to lift anything, sit too much or stand too much. At that rate I'd have been disabled by now according to that Dr. Instead I have always worked at least one job, had my own businesses throughout the years and did many jobs I really should not have for my physical condition. Currently I have 3 jobs, one just to pay healthcare expenses. Some people don't realize that disability can be a trap to keep you where you are, I just couldn't do that.

@Ktcyan Yes ma'am... We should give them a temporary helping hand... Not a permanent hand-out!


You judge a society on how it treats those at the bottom, not the top.

@OwlInASack To big to fail...or be arrested...or release tax returns...or be impeached...or held accountable...or...

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