Have you ever just wanted to tie "Flo" the Progressive Insurance character down to a tanning bed and set it to high? Just say'n...
Nooo. Pale skin is gorgeous. Leave Flo alone.
I agree. Naturally skin tones are excellent. Purely unnatural (obviously) made-up for tv ad isn't.
@PalacinkyPDX Wow, strange. Ugggh, why would the use a fake? Thanks for posting the real Stephanie!
I've never seen the real person, but I'm not surprised. They need ditch the ghoulish make up they use on her. She's beautiful!
As someone who is pasty white...and I live in MN so I only have a few months to get sun on my skin, I’ve learned to embrace my paleness!!
And you ARE gorgeous!
@mykhael you are too kind!
I wish that more of society would embrace us pale people. I happen to think natural skin tones, are ALL beautiful.
All ARE indeed beautiful. I was inferring her obviously overly-made-up, unnatural for TV face tone. Natural is good!
Stephanie Courtney has entered the pantheon of the most successful advertising characters of all time. We're likely to keep seeing her for a long time to come. I did spot her on an early episode of Mad Men recently.
And you are so right. They'll never ditch her. They know a good marketing thing when they have one!
I rarely appreciate commercial humor, but I'm not too proud to admit that I get a kick out of the Progressive commercials. Also, they were the only insurance company that would insure my ice cream truck.
I guess your biggest seller is ...Vanilla? (just kidding!)
Everything in my experience tells me to hate Flo, but I just can't. I love her. There. I said it. I love her.
some of the ads are quite dumb, and others are quite clever. stephanie courtney is pretty darned talented (which was not immediately apparent when she began to flog progressive, but later became clear when she started to portray all of flo's family members). whether or not you like the product, whether or not you enjoy the commercials, she has talent. but i have nothing against her skin tone. i'm pretty pale myself, actually.
Yes, I understand she's a pretty decent actress.
Stefanie got a showcase of a good deal with that ongoing character. She has talent. I've actually ended up with Progressive Insurance. My agent is primarily Farmers but for my needs Progressive is now cheaper so the agent switched me. I do not like to pay more than I have to.
I've always wanted to tie Flo down (if she's in to that sort of thing) and do something to her. But a tanning bed is not required for what I have in mind.
@PalacinkyPDX Uh...probably not.
You mean like Ivanka does to her daddy?
Is there really something wrong with untanned skin? You would be very uncomfortable visiting countries like Norway, Iceland, and Scotland then.
Also, tanning beds have been linked to cancers, have they not?
Oh no, no aversion natural skin tone at all! She just seems to be unnaturally pale (and clammy).
@mykhael hahaha unlike her “Janice” alter-ego
Some of my friends have expressed a desire to tie Flo from the progressive commercials down to some kind of bed or other. I don't see it myself. She's too "uncanny valley" -looking for me, like a department store dummy brought to life...
I can never figure out how she lasted as long as she has endured. Viewing her is enough to scare me into ever wanting to trust them as anything reputable, not that any of them are worth anything. The Good Hands People are simple fraud but I will never be able how any company would go and display such stupidity as a positive marketing ploy.
I have a strong dislike for Nationwide as they avoid paying claims. Especially to none policy holders claims against policy holders. I had to sue them in small claims and face their lawyer. I knew I had won when I quoted some city case and the magistrate said, "Son, if a tree falls in the forrest and someone gets hurt, somebody is going to pay."
Yes, I'm surprised as well at her longevity.
@maturin1919 Yep, happy to take your money indefinitely but desperate to not pay anything out, ever. Ain't capitalism grand?