I need a man to come rub my back, pushing that damn boat bout' killed me
I would love to rub your back, but why wait until it hurts to provide a good backrub or massage.
Brings to mind a friend's cats. . . . They loved to walk on backs so all you had to do is lay face down on the floor or couch and instant back rub, then they would walk around on your back then do that like-needing bread thing with their front paws (felt great) then lay down and purr. Heated vibrating back pads without power cords.
This is NOT the norm for cats.
Well if I'm rubbed the right way, I might purr ? ?
Let me hop a plane...
If I'd have known you were that easy......
@AnneWimsey Hahaha! It wasn't the "pushing the boat" part!
@aspiringunicorn I know!
@Capricorn I'm a lil tipsy, but you were cute about two hard seltzers ago (before I started), Hahaha
@aspiringunicorn I'm cute sober too! ?
@Capricorn I noticed! Very cute!
@aspiringunicorn thank you