Here is an idea to settle for once and for all the wall discussion and finish the government shutdown..... Catch illegals, give them citizenship on the premise they register Republican and then cut them lose......... Democrats would build the wall themselves in no time. Voila, you're all welcome.
The trouble with that arises in that Democrats understand that most people here illegally come in legally (through airports), and overstay their visas. Building a wall would do little to solve the problem.
The ones overstaying their visas are accounted for, the ones sneaking illegaly are not. Those are the issue that must be addressed. Illegals cross the border 24/7. The quantity is source of discussion but they do cross day in day out. Immigration officers cannot catch them all. The ones making profit with human trafficking know that. That is their bussiness model. People die on regular bases. The wall would reduce those numbers considerably.
Then the tunnels are dug and taller ladders are built. We can secure the border with better surveillance technology and man power.
We will have to use the power of imminent domain to take land away from US citizens,(basically ceding part of the US to Mexico) which will cut off access to the Rio Grande and destroy farms and ranches. This also becomes a nightmare for wildlife in the area that relies on access to the river as well.
Everyone wants to secure the border and reduce illegal crossings- I think there are better ways than a wall.
A large percentage of immigrants are in fact Republican. If you ever spoke to anyone who isn't old and white, you might know this.
@OpposingOpposum What does white got to do with anything? Seriously asking.
@IamNobody because a large majority of immigrants are nonwhite. Particularly the ones people like to complain about.