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I invented something called Forced Happiness

It’s complicated

And I don’t even know

I guess it’s just part of something I discovered called optimistic nihilism (
It’s full spectrum thinking for life.
Make the best of a dismal situation.

I make it up as I go along,
in a positive direction,
and it seems to be working

Inquire with an open mind

skinnymcfatty 4 Jan 7

Enjoy being online again!

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The link doesn’t work call mom and I’m unable to grab it at this moment, so to work around the problem, just search for the following keywords

Optimistic nihilism Kurzgesagt


Video link is broken.

Basically, you are trying to reinvent Radical Acceptance Psychology






You mean, like Fake It Until You Can Make It? Video refuses to play......


Was intrigued, but couldn't open the video.

This is a simple syntax error

I didn’t consider that using a link between parentheses would not work because the characters are added to the string (Path?link?)

Try this one,

Actually you know what? Because everybody’s telling me I have a bad link without taking a look at it, or troubleshooting it, or using the words in a search engine define exactly what I’m saying

If you’re interested, then search for this, and if you’re not interested, forget about it.

Optimistic nihilism Kurzgesagt

WHAT? Asking me to put in a little thought or effort? 🙂

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