Curious how long before the Democrats give in. And rationalize their giving into another Republican demand. Already bought and sold. Our country is in deep S&!$+!
How do you deal with a child who’s throwing a temper tantrum? I don’t think it’s smart to cave in and give him his candy or whatever. I think it’s best to ignore him until he calms down and comes to his senses. Unfortunately, in this case I doubt Trump has enough sense to realize what’s necessary.
nancy did it right. she simply said "no."
nancy won't be giving in.
Nope. Nancy and Chuck are all over this.
@Dandewine poor chuck had no one to lean on, and now he has nancy. he isn't a bad guy. nancy, on the other hand, is wonder woman! she gave trump the one-word answer when he asked for his wall (without, i might add, offering anything in return): NO. no wonder baby trump spat up his formula and crawled out of the room.