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I've found this joke funny since before Tiger Woods even existed.

Jesus and Moses were bored one day, and they decided to come down to Earth and play some golf. They were on a particularly difficult hole, and Moses was concerned that Jesus wasn’t going to make the shot over the water hazard.

"I think I can do it, Moe,” Jesus insisted. “In fact, I’m sure I can do it. I've seen Tiger Woods make this shot a hundred times. And if Tiger Woods can do it, then I can definitely do it."

Moses rolled his eyes and stood back and left Jesus to his game. So Jesus eyed the ball, checked the wind and then swung. Sure enough, the ball splashed into the middle of the pond.

Moses rolled his and then walked over to the water. He stood on the shore with his golf club in his right hand and raised up his arms the way he had seen Charlton Hesston do it. The water parted for Jesus, who walked in on dry ground and retrieved the ball.

“Bless you,” Jesus said. However, he was determined he was going to make this shot.

"I know I can do this, Moses,” Jesus repeated. “I've seen Tiger Woods do it, and he’s just a human being."

Again, Jesus' ball ended up in the water.

Moses sighed and once again stood beside the pond. He raised up his arms while holding his golf club and the water parted. Jesus walked into the pond on dry ground and retrieved his ball.

"Look, Jeeze," Moses insisted resolutely. “You cannot make this shot.”

“I CAN make this shot,” Jesus insisted soundly. “I’m God. Whatever Tiger Woods can do, I certainly can do.”

“Fine!” Moses sighed. “But I’m not going to part the water for you. My arms are getting tired and that’s going to mess up my game.”

"Fair enough, Moz," Jesus nodded. "But I’m telling you…”

“I know!” Moses interrupted. “If Tiger Woods does it, then so can you.”

But, alas, Jesus' ball could not clear the water. Jesus handed his club to Moses to hold and approached the pond. Rather than wade into the water, he walked ON the water toward the spot where he thought the ball was. While he was walking on water searching intently, another group of golfers came over the hill. They walked up behind Moses and watched as Jesus walked back and forth on the water, searching for his ball.

"Holy Cow!" one of the golfers asked Moses. "Who does that guy think he is, Jesus Christ?"

"No," Moses sighed, rolling his eyes. "He thinks he's Tiger Woods."

Benthoven 8 Jan 15

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I came here, because of the opening lines hoping to read a good joke...and was not disappointed. Thanks for posting that one.


Though it is hard to see the greats go down.


The classics never get old. 🤓


And who does Tiger Woods think he is? A great golfer? Not any more. Looks like he's all washed up.

@maturin1919 I never played golf so no matter how bad he is now I'm sure he will beat me.

@maturin1919 still out there banging with the best.


Good one!


A long route to a great punch line ?

Sometimes it's all about the journey. 😉

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