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My dog's toys have been going missing. We lost several tennis balls, 2 Chuckit balls and a Kong toy over the last couple of months. I looked all over for them, both inside and outside the house. No toys. My daughter came to visit with her dogs and their toys. These toys also disappeared. I came to the conclusion that a pack of playful coyotes was sneaking into the yard at night and stealing the toys. Or perhaps it was a neighbor's pet stealing them. They certainly were not on the property.

Yesterday morning I was making coffee. My big dog was over in a corner of the kitchen worrying the hell out of it with both paws and nose. I got down on my knees to look and there was the last Chuckit ball we had lost. I went to pull it out of the corner and saw that this space between the trash compactor and the corner of the underside of the cabinets contained a small space where the compactor had been put in. I reached back into the space and pulled out 2 Chuckit balls, 3 tennis balls, a chewed and flattened plastic bottle, a Kong toy, and a couple of bones. What a hoarder Nutmeg is!

Enchanter 6 Jan 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Awwww.... that's so cute and hilarious.


She's beautiful!

Yes, she is. She is part German Shepherd, Rottweiler, ridgeback, bird dog, and golden lab. Quite a mixture and a really nice personality.


Mine likes to hide her food she is rescue from a extreme animal hoarding situation if there is a rug on the floor you will fine food under it it's funny but not at the same time


My dad's dog took his false teeth & snuggled it away in her nest under his bed. As he never cleaned under anything it took disposing of the bed to find it.


Mine leaves his balls in a more obvious place.

Diva used to do this. Had to take the toilet out twice. Put the seat down. =0}


awwww...and this is why we love dogs...they have such interesting personalities...glad you solved the mystery...she just wants to keep her stuff safe...what a sweetheart!

Yes, safe from me and her little partner who, though he's much smaller, is the alpha.

@Enchanter awwww...

My black kitten is a hoarder as well...I found a stash of holiday ornaments in a pile under the futon bed...he carries them out, plays with them, and carries them back under...pets are fun!

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