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Would you send your child to a school which discriminated against other Americans?

Immanuel Christian School where Vice President Pence’s wife, Karen, has accepted a part-time job teaching art, requires potential employees to affirm certain religious beliefs that seek to exclude homosexual and transgender applicants, including that marriage can only be between a man and a woman.


#children #education #bigotry #homophobia

josephr 7 Jan 16

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Heck no, I want my kids to go to the most diverse school possible without religion.


Be prepared for the round up by his soldiers of jesus if he becomes POTUS. This is why we have a 2nd Amendment so we may defend ourselves from the government as well as the RUSSIANS!


Pence, Devos, et al are closely aligned with the New Apostolic Reformation group which fights to get Christianity back into our laws and government because they believe we are indeed a "Christian Nation." If they ever have their way church and state will not be divided.


I am not surprised. The Pences are far from the fair and loving Christians that they depict themselves to be. Pence continues to prove that by continuing to enable Trump and his destructive behavior.


Which Constitution do you mean?


This is more simple than tryng to "defend" the gay agenda (Tempted to ask if you would marry a man, but I won't go that route). The thing is, If I am not religious, why the hell in the world would I even consider to send my kids to a religious school?


I wouldn't, but the Pences have a much different world view than me. Sounds like the school and Mrs Pence are a perfect match.

Yes, a different world view from mine too, and they are a match. What would scare me if i was an American would be the possibility that her husband might become President sometime soon. I just can't understand how such criteria are legal. ;(

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