7 8

Not only is orange cakes pathetic, stupid, arrogant, self absorbed and a sociopath, It is easy also to hate this person. I mean HATE, I I mean loathe
I mean what an absolute asshole.

EMC2 8 Jan 16

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I totally agree. I have decided to boycott the “State of the Union” address. I don’t think I can stand that many lies.


Mitch McConnell isnt much better. I believe Russia hacked a lot of servers. I think they got a lot more than we realize.

Della Level 6 Jan 16, 2019

See, I thought that with the Republican's long experience of working with crooks (Nixon) or the mentally defective (Bush Jr., Reagan) would have meant that they'd but up some pretty good defence mechanisms that would act as damage limitation. Looks like Trump may have overtopped even those flood defences.


I detest and loathe all rethugilicans..


No matter what words you use, it doesn't like seem enough for some reason.

I feel as if I need to Invent new words for the Orange DoucheNozzel daily.

@Charlene And it is fucking daily with this guy. It is exhausting.

@Sticks48 I have to nap due exclusively to this sprayed on shitbag..

@luvs2laugh I love it..stealing..Lolololololololol


He and Hitler are at the top of my despise list.

I understand Hitler, he was able to get his followers to believe him, But to see it happen with the US population in 2018, with all the history available to read, It is amazing another Hitler would even take hold. But it did.


A more pathetic waist of human flesh I've never encountered, and the repukes elected him,..something?

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