9 18

Pelosi just told 45 to put his State of the Union address in writing, because due to the shutdown, it's not feasible to hold the address at the Capitol.
That woman has more testicular fortitude than all the men in the DC put together.

KKGator 9 Jan 16

Enjoy being online again!

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It's a trap. She knows full well he can't write anything longer than 140 characters at a time.

She's a genius.

You just know he's going to try to tweet that shit out now.


I will take vaginal fortitude over testicular fortitude any day! ?

Like I said in an earlier post, she's got ovaries of titanium.

@KKGator Oh yeah! I love that ??????


Glad I voted for her in CA

thank you


She is, of course, right. I hear things coming from the Republican side that say the Democrats are unwilling to negotiate. Is it negotiation to demand they capitulate to a petulant blowhard who obsesses over a monument to paranoid bigotry?


I f××king love her!


I'm starting to see a pattern here. The most effective women are usually the most hated.

Of course, their effectiveness and strength is a threat, and they really don't know how to respond. That fear and frustration leads to hate.


Yes she does! Ya gotta love it! 🙂


I wouldn't want to be on her bad side, I'll tell you that. This takes away the opportunity for him to lie to a world wide audience again to argue for his penis extension of a wall. Very shrewd.


Gotta admire a woman who can use her brain to castrate him...sadly, he probably misses half of her sarcasm and wit just from his sheer stupidity...whoosh...way over his head...

Well, Coulter and Hannity have the job explaining stuff like that to him, so...

@zeuser yeah...the ass whisperers...

@thinktwice love that....

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