Do you know people who always think they are right?
Never met anyone that was right everyone else always seems to be wrong ....
You are a relativist. (Non Threatening)
Ah, the right-fighter. The most annoying person to be around. Would rather be right than be happy.
My xtian brother. He doesn’t think he’s right: he KNOWS. And he will tell you. ?
Not only is my sister one who thinks she's always right, she also needs to have the last word in any argument/discussion. Needless to say, I've cut communication drastically. It's just not worth the agita.
"He who says he knows does not yet know as he ought"
iow Hegelian dialectics--an implied winner and loser in any transaction--as opposed to Eastern or "Naive" dialectics
Excellent research again but what "ought" we to do ever?
@Mcflewster indeed. I note that most Western ppl would shortly go insane with "nothing" to do lol. having trouble "liking" your posts here for some reason, sry
@bbyrd009 Why be sorry -just improve it. Start by telling me the most unsatisfactory aspect or wording ???
@Mcflewster imo it is really more about one's MO or starting premise; a posture of either competition, or cooperation. The two are mutually exclusive I guess
@bbyrd009 I am not and would not try to compete with you. I am not looking for continuing co-operation just a little flash of help?? What is 'it' above?
@Mcflewster um, "it" is maybe "what we ought to do, ever" which is "know" I guess?
as opposed to those who say "tomorrow we will go to such-and-such a place, and conduct business there," and etc? Those who "make plans" and do things, participate in "economies" etc?
@bbyrd009 I think religion has the job of telling everybody what they OUGHT to do. We have the job of deciding what we actually do hopefully without pressure.
@Mcflewster ha then i'm not sure if I should feel good that I avoided your Q, or bad that you tried to um trap me? lol
@bbyrd009 Please be aware that I have been mixing up your replies to this and another posting in an attempt at speed. Apologies but I appreciate your levels of thinking.
Yes. My mother who is one of the most clueless people I have ever known.
But according to her she's an authority on damn near everything.
Yep. mine too.
I would think EVERYONE thinks they are right. Why would ANYONE think they are wrong and want to continue to think that way?
bc that allows for the possibility of greater truth to be known?