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I saw another post that asked ”What do you believe ?” 
I have always resented being called an unbeliever as it paints a picture of an empty vessel, so I set about writing out my own version of a credo. I make no apology for setting it out in a ‘religious’ style. I found it helped me in the thinking processes of construction and conciseness. I sometimes used alternative words and phrases because from my experience some people dislike or will not approach some words e.g science.

I make no claims for it except suggest that if you do it for your OWN credo then it should clear your thinking head. It is of course temporary, and I am sure that it can be improved by you. Please feel free to criticize.

Published in celebration of reaching level 7

Mcflewster 8 Jan 19

Enjoy being online again!

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There is no suggestion that anyone's beliefs SHOULD be like mine although it would be a good research project to analyze a cohort of at least a thousand produced independently and look for trends especially over a spread of ages.


there is no judgement for beliefs in the Bible 🙂
even the Roman Centurion (Mithraist) is accepted

How I wish it were universally true

@Mcflewster imo it is true where it matters, and one should be running from where it isn't anyway prolly


But you are not an "unbeliever". Surely you believe in miracle "where you from, you sexy thing".

I am sure that it would be a miracle if anyone found me sexy . However, since doing this I have found another belief to add to the collection.

I believe in a kind world.


Well done

Me too. There should be more of it. Don’t sell your self short


Saying you are unbeliever, in most context, only applies to a belief in god (aka A-theism) and has nothing to do with believing or not believing in anything else.

I agree but most religionists would say that to try to put you down or be "Holier than thou"


I'm ok with telling people I am agnostic and that just means I don't know if there is a god or not. They can either accept that and not try to change me - or we are pretty much done.

" just means I don't know if there is a god or not." I think in America that also means you are quite brave.

@Mcflewster As we get older, I'm learning life is short. It's better to weed out people who aren't going to work out in my life earlier on.

@UrsiMajor I ended a 60 and 56yr husband and wife relationship this year. They were my best male and female friends. It ended when I realized I don't need to service a dysfunctional relationship no matter who they are. Dolly Parton said 'you can't make old friends', but phooey on that shit. Just because you're used to someone doesn't mean the relationship is working for you. I made the same move 2.5yrs earlier when I fired my lazy wife. Its like taking a heavy backpack off and throwing it into the ditch as you walk life's roads.

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