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I know some folks will be triggered, so here I go.....
I actually like Obamacare. The only think I don't like about it is that people who don't have insurance have to have Obamacare. They cannot opt out without consequences.

RobertMartin 8 Jan 21

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It's ironic how people think Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are different -- it's the same thing. Granted it has its problems, but it needs to be fixed, not eliminated.

I agree.


Old, and having paid attention enough to ‘Hillarycare,’ that’s why Obama proposed a version of ‘Romneycare.’ It’s the only thing Congress (with it’s 60% majority rule of the day) could/ would pass - and it barely did. In fact, many members of the House and Senate lost their re-elections because they’d voted for it - Obama lost Congress to give us health care! And those ‘nasty politicians’ (I keep hearing about around here) remain unknown ‘American’ Heroes...

Yes, all thinking ‘American’s’ wanted more … but look what the unthinking ‘American’s’ elected as their president. That’s what we’ve been up against since FDR first proposed a National Healthcare Program. And the fact our healthcare industry is as powerful as ever - it’s damn difficult to beat them!

Obama took a first step, and the path ahead was clear. HRC would have followed, and enhanced it. Her Supreme Court Picks would have set it in stone - and we’d be nearing a working, solid system. As is, ‘progressive dreamers’ sat on thier fucking hands or threw away their votes because they ‘couldn’t vote for HRC.’ Leaving folks like me to do the heavy lifting ..and apparently, we couldn’t… The filthy shame is the pain and early deaths that’ll result to good people - due to those who deserve it.

Varn Level 8 Jan 21, 2019

Given that we are the only modern country in the world without universal healthcare. Universal Healthcare is different than socialized medicine. You do not have to have a single payer. The consequence is that the US ranks #30's for life expectancy and slipping. Now that hides one thing. We are in the top 10 for the top 10% of people who can afford good healthcare and closer to a third world country for people that cannot. Obamacare is a solution. It was very watered down by congress from the original proposal. Stop allowing companies to make a profit from heatlh insurance (some of the largest profits in the world) and then you might have a system that is more inclusive.


obamacare isn't something you HAVE. it's a law. it has many parts. one part is that your dependent child, up to age 26, can be covered by your insurance, WHEREVER you get it. you can't opt out of that; it's optional to begin with. another is that you can't be denied coverage or charged extra for having a preexisting condition, nor for being a woman, both of which were commonly done before the law was passed. another part was that the states had to expand medicaid so that more people would be covered by it, and it would cover more conditions, but the supreme court made that optional, and many red states refused to do so, even though they would have been given money to do so. another part was that employers with more than a certain number (50?) of employees had to offer health insurance. another was something really important that i'm forgetting so i'll add it as a comment when i remember; i had it -- but it fell out of my head. that yet another part was that states could (not must, just COULD) set up exchanges so that people who could not get insurance another way, or did not wish to get insurance another way, could get it from companies that would compete against each other and thus lower prices. those who could not afford even that would be eligible for financial support to pay for it.

now, tell me this: are you against seat belts too? because you can't opt out of that. auto makers have to install them, and you have to use them. how horrible!



They can actually. The consequences are no $0.

I don't like it Should have been single payer for all the whole time. Shitty health insurance for all is not the same as Healthcare for all.

MsAl Level 8 Jan 21, 2019

okay, so because the republicans and the supreme court would not go for single payer, obamacare, much better than we DID have, sucks and shouldn't exist? tell that to the what, now 12 million people who have coverage who had none before, many of whom would have died without it. yes, let's now go for single payer, although we still have a republican senate run by a guy who kisses trump's and putin's ass (isn't that the same ass?) but MEANWHILE i am sure glad i'm covered, preexisting conditions, vagina and old age and all!


@genessa I blame the Republicans for sure.
Better than nothing does not mean good.

@MsAl not as good as perfect isn't the same as better than nothing. in the case of the aca is IT good. single payer would be better. that doesn't mean the aca is bad. it is far better than "better than nothing."



Basic universal healthcare is awesome, & I'm glad to have it! I'd never live in America for that reason alone.

@Renickulous LOL, not every job provides health insurance and every person that doesn't work won't have employer provided insurance.

@Renickulous Nope. My company does not offer insurance. Fast food and retail worers don't work 40 hours.

@Renickulous What about self employed? There are millions of them from Uber drivers, Truck drivers to consultants and freelancers. They are the hardest hit.
I have good insurance through my employer but it cost them $12K a year for it. Not everyone can afford that.

@Renickulous You've got to be kidding. Do you mean to tell me J.C. Penny's or Dillard's or dozens and dozens of retail companies all opened with the express purpose of providing jobs only to high school students?? And fast food, who is supposed to work while students are in school?

@Renickulous I think everyone no matter what job or no job should have healthcare. Just because someone chooses to do a job you deem "less worthy" does not make them any less of a person.

@Renickulous Everyone deserves healthcare!!!! NO "qualifiers"

@Renickulous yes.

@Renickulous yes. No matter who you are, healthcare should be a basic right.

Some of the most creative & world changing people have died young for lack of healthcare.

Ironically, all of the Americans who were against Obamacare are now asking all other Americans to pay for a socialised wall.

@Renickulous I also have health insurance to cover things that aren't basic healthcare. Yes, basic healthcare should be a reasonable expectation of citizens in any good country. But America isn't a good country as far as healthcare goes. Half of your taxes go on the military, yet you can't look after your own people. Enjoy your freedom!

I'll stick with social democracy, thanks. We try to care for our vulnerable people.

@Renickulous do civil engineers owe us safe roads? Do teachers owe our kids a good education? These are socialised benefits, & they allow people & businesses equal opportunities to thrive. I think education should also be a right.

The world is a big place, & America is not the greatest or best-run country. You have areas that are as economically devastated as third world countries. You almost caused a second great depression just a decade ago. Perhaps you should be studying how other countries are run.

@Renickulous []

@Renickulous dude you're welcome to your opinion, but I'll just stay here with my democracy & healthcare, thanks. Everybody uses roads, everybody needs the law & law enforcement, everybody needs teachers, everybody needs doctors & nurses, everybody needs education.

You think you don't need healthcare. You might be young, or from a well to-do family, so you don't need any help. But maybe your sister (or someone else you possibly care about) will need healthcare someday, & then she'll be begging on Gofundme.

It takes no great amount of thinking to decide "I deserve more of my money!" But it takes maturity to think "I'd like Adam's mother to get that life saving operation that she needs, & wouldn't it be great if a little of my money helped her.

Your health system has been bloated far longer than you realise, & it's just another example of greed gone wrong in America. I feel your pain, but you really don't understand the point of view of people who see the country, and the world, as one tribe.

@Renickulous if all you think about is ME ME ME, my money! Then you start a race to the bottom, which is what you see in America & much of the world. If everyone (or as many as possible) is healthy & well educated the economy flourishes. Do people who are bankrupted by healthcare
& die young add to the GDP? Can people whose money is all going towards their wife's operation afford their mortgage?

@Renickulous being nice is the reason. We are a social species, & being nice is how we have succeeded over predators, disease & a universe that is 99.9% hostile to life. You're stuck in a very right wing American way of thinking that has resulted in social tragedy.

Obamacare was run badly. We get it. That doesn't mean that universal healthcare is a bad thing. But you don't listen, & you don't want to hear another perspective.

The science supports universal healthcare as good for a society's performance, & it is common sense. If everyone is healthy, they make more money & spend more money.

No doctor owes anything to anyone, the government is simply one of many employers. Nobody is forcing doctors to care for patients. Only a stupid person would think that.

@Renickulous every right is simply an arbitrary idea. You don't actually have a right to guns, life or roads, but everyone decides to make it a right. That's what makes a right. It used to be a right to own slaves in America, but that was changed.

Please don't make the mistake of confusing socialist democracy with socialist communism. The two things are different, not the same. America has always treated them the same because of Truman, as far as I know. But that's one of your cultural blindspots.

Science does prove good and bad, because they both have measurable results in wealth, suicide statistics, health statistics, property damage statistics etc. It's measurable, right?

As part of a society, your individual wants and needs are immaterial. Society doesn't care. But people choose how society is run by voting. So what you want or don't use is of very little importance to policy on an individual basis.


Obamacare was actually borrowed from the plan that Arkansas had implemented for their citizens.

Hell somewhere there’s a video of people there being asked what they thought about the plan and the majority hee’d and haw’d About how wrong it was for the American people.

And whoever interviewer was had some of these people read both plans and of you could see the I’m a jackass expression come over their faces.

But anyway trump’s merely looking for his legacy and the wall is it for him just try to understand that his brain is somewhat under developed and his maturity level clearly deflects that.

I've never heard this. I tried to Google for information and found nothing. From its earliest days, Obamacare was modeled in many ways after Romneycare which was implemented in 2006 in Massachusetts. There are numerous online references to be found.

Prior to Romneycare it was based on the Heritage Foundation's model.

@DeStijl Well maybe because the internet has been bogged down with all things Obamacare but I clearly remember seeing back around 2012 but anyway

@dokala Yes, the Heritage Foundation model was Romney's program. He considered it the greatest achievement of his years as governor.


Not to mention the ~$1.5 Trillion tax bill we all get to spend the rest of our lives working on. ?


Well, that's all fine & well until they crash their car & get taken to the emergency room. I just don't understand how the US is stubbornly resisting following every single one of the other industrialized nations in just having simple tax payer funded health care for everyone. We pay more than anyone else for health care that is not as good.

Carin Level 8 Jan 21, 2019

@Renickulous No, our healthcare is not better. The US pays more for poorer out comes.

Not so much. We all can't see the preeminent surgeon in X field at Johns Hopkins. Some have to make do with the Michael Cohens of medicine.

I'm not advocate for socialism, but what history? You mean authoritarianism? Huge difference. Also, what's unamerican about forcing healthier? The founding fathers liked it []

So binary. Obamacare is a law, not healthcare. The individual mandate is one aspect of it, which you are hung up on and mistake for healthcare. We now have patient advocates, treatment has to show improvement, pharmaceutical transparency, etc.

What about every other industrialized country providing healthcare as well as countless other developing countries? You conveniently leave them out. None of them are trying to take it away. They see the value and are benefitting from it while we are being left behind from a productivity and social standpoint. Just like how Utah realized it's cheaper to house the homeless rather than let them wander around, healthcare is cheaper and better for the population when it's available and providing preventative care, which you can't get in the ER.

You are parroting tired taking points. You are unprepared for this dialogue.

Health Care has become and remains a for-profit industry in the US. Given the Drug manufacturers, hospital facilities and medical professionals … it’s too powerful an industry to fight. Politicians that do, loose to industry-funded candidates both within and outside their parties…

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