Art requires sacrifice. It's true. But this statement doesn't apply to contemporary art. Several centuries ago, painters, sculptors, and musicians could be executed because of their creations. In addition, creative people were often exiles cause ordinary people did not understand that this was a great gift, not a curse. There are already several copies of famous paintings in my house. Custom Picture Frames Online helped me find the right frame for these artworks to last for a long time. Now my living room looks like a renaissance art gallery.
For some reason, I remembered the famous scene from the movie "1 + 1", but now it's not about that. Of course, I believe that any work of the artist is part of him. Oscar Wilde very accurately described the connection between the artist and his work in his manuscript The Picture of Dorian Gray. Now people are negligent about the expression "Art requires sacrifice", but the most eminent artists of our history know what it means to sacrifice in the name of art. There was a time when an artist could be executed for a provocative picture, and also made a slave to some royal person. The artist puts part of his essence into his paintings, which is why works of art are so valuable now.