11 12

How's that working out for you, Donnie Boo Boo?

SleeplessInTexas 8 Jan 21

Enjoy being online again!

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For non-God's sake. Vote 2020.


Putin is ruining this country!


what a complete wanker


But, the problem is, he has no idea what he says, or said. If you showed him the video of this, he would call it Fake News.....


Hummm. When the Republicans had the opportunity to govern they couldn't quite seem to get it done. There should be a magnificent beautiful wall with "Trump" in big bold letters on it but the Congress fiddled while the "Caravan of Bad Guys" crept toward our southern border and Trump professed his love for Kim Jung Un cheating on his bromance with Putin. Well I guess everything in it's own time.

@dave1459 Sounds like a good idea.


Does he think he cannot be impeached if the government is not working?

JimG Level 8 Jan 21, 2019

I feel sorry for the freshman congress people that walked into this mess...what a way to start your new job! Shit hole boss and everyone hates you all...

@icolan Uh...thanks for the civics lesson..😉 I was speaking metaphorically as the president of the country...lighten up...

@dave1459 lol good point...


One more bit of the overwhelming evidence that the Fake President is a liar, a conman and a fool.


What a great point to make about Donald Trump!
Can't he at least get a better hair piece?

The federal rug makers have been furloughed....


The trumpkins are blaming Pelosi. You have to admit, they take every opportunity to make asses out of themselves as possible.

@dave1459 , Leading by example, eh?


History is a bitch!

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